How about a family member? Camping? A sport you enjoy? Your favorite thing to drink? Hot sand under your feet? Food? A sexy actor or actress? Sex? The possibility that no matter how slim the chance things may get better??
The northern lights – huge expenditures of energy created by the collision of charged particles and atoms in the magnetosphere, causing cascades of eery green, blue, red, yellow lights to dance in the wintry air, like specters, or something alive. I think it’d be awesome to see. 🙂
s?!.., lol more new sims games , any other fun games, awesome movies, growing long hair, cute clothes, salad, mountain dew, friend chicken and mashed potatoes (dam im making myself hungry)snowy nights, rainy nights
I would’ve said sex but haven’t had it in forever….weed no longer works….no money to travel….but I like NCIS although not sure I will anymore W/O Ziva David….
I got drunk once…..wasn’t very pleasant….I felt like I had been on a merry go round for hours….Its frustrating not to be able to walk straight and stairs become the greatest challenge ever…
My reason to live is my amazingly lovely cat and the best mother anybody could ever be blessed with – my own mother. I think I am extremely lucky to have such an understanding mum, to who I can talk to almost about anything. Although I am 20 years old and I guess people get closer with their parents when they get older.
Anyway, long story short – my two very important (and only) reasons to live are my mum and my cat.
none. you tell me.
How about a family member? Camping? A sport you enjoy? Your favorite thing to drink? Hot sand under your feet? Food? A sexy actor or actress? Sex? The possibility that no matter how slim the chance things may get better??
To get sucked up by a waterspout and deposited in the land of Oz. Or at least to see an aurora borealis.
Follow the yellow brick road?? I like it! Now tell me, what’s an aurora borealis??
Am i allowed to say sex?
And weed. And food.
And hiking out into the middle of nowhere with a backpack, and just being one with nature for as long as you can survive without civilization.
And being adamant about opening sleeping sheople’s eyes to what’s wrong with the world.
And telling everyone you encounter, how or what they could do better.
Death. That’s about as good a reason to live as can be.
The northern lights – huge expenditures of energy created by the collision of charged particles and atoms in the magnetosphere, causing cascades of eery green, blue, red, yellow lights to dance in the wintry air, like specters, or something alive. I think it’d be awesome to see. 🙂
Sex was the first one that came to mind for me too lol. I disagree on the weed, I’m not into that, but hey if it keeps you goin then props to ya:)
Then pack your bags and lets go!
Is it weird…
Death is often the reason people remain alive…
But Life… is often the reason people want to die.
And sometimes, death is the reason people want to die… while life is the only reason to live.
I feel mind blown now..
s?!.., lol more new sims games , any other fun games, awesome movies, growing long hair, cute clothes, salad, mountain dew, friend chicken and mashed potatoes (dam im making myself hungry)snowy nights, rainy nights
Well now it’s 1am and I want fried chicken..
Candy Crush Saga and Gardetto’s Original Recipe
I would’ve said sex but haven’t had it in forever….weed no longer works….no money to travel….but I like NCIS although not sure I will anymore W/O Ziva David….
The rye bread chips are my favorite<3
Perhaps my favorite reason to live: concerts and moshing:) it really gets out my frustration:)
Ugh….I can’t stand being around a bunch of drunken people….I prefer listening to music alone W/O the madness…
lol I left out my favorite thing, getting drunk all night! I cut it down to once a month tho and that sucks
I got drunk once…..wasn’t very pleasant….I felt like I had been on a merry go round for hours….Its frustrating not to be able to walk straight and stairs become the greatest challenge ever…
aww, well I love not being able to walk straight =) but I only got to the spinning point once drunk and that was cuz of smoking weed on it
Roller coasters, kittens, puppies, my aunt needs life’s on candy crush😂 and my siblings
Okay – I will play…………..
I should live because…… that way there is always someone around that the rest of the world can abuse and lie to.
My reason to live is my amazingly lovely cat and the best mother anybody could ever be blessed with – my own mother. I think I am extremely lucky to have such an understanding mum, to who I can talk to almost about anything. Although I am 20 years old and I guess people get closer with their parents when they get older.
Anyway, long story short – my two very important (and only) reasons to live are my mum and my cat.
Dogs that need a safe home … but sex is a nice diversion on the rare occasion it falls my way 😉
dog dawg
Hmmm, I’m stumped here, can’t think of one!
all of these reasons stem from the one true and only reason yet most difficult to live for:
#imjustakid. Tht is a good song btw 🙂 lol. I listen to it a lot
@ imjustakid I love your answer.
I must say, it really enlightens me seeing so many people on a site like this being positive. It gives me a certain type of hope.
chocolate (: alcohol and sex will do.
Sounds good to me Kimmm
it’s so refreshing seeing these positive comments (:
indeed @wishing! 🙂
Specially that chocolate. There is none at my house and I want some!! Lol
Specially that chocolate. There is none at my house and I want some!! Lol
chocolate can sure change someones mood!! lol
yummy for my tummy!
Myself and la madre just go some chocolate:3 life just got better:)