i didn’t mean to encourage you to die/ofcourse some of us need death for good/but don’t you feel great when you know that everybody from president to me:) will die and
When everybody die it doesn’t matter what ever your socialstatus is
What ever your age is everybody goes to the same place none existence.i am not trying to be a bad
Person but comeon.it really feels great!!everybody is equal in front
Of death!!unless ofcourse suicide is
Legal in the future
Kings and peasants become equal in death; the great equalizer
another equality= yeah the big bang theory and the missing are equall infront of death.hehe
I dont know of youve ever heard of astral projection or not but it makes death seem a whole lot scarier.Ill explain.when you learn how to astral project you leave your body for countless wonders.But you can always return back to earth cause you are connected to something called a silver chord that protects you as long as your alive.But when you die i assume you lose your silver chord and in the astral realm there is evil that can attack you if your not careful.its very scary.plus you have to think what happens to serial killers and rapist when you go.I surely wouldnt want to share my space and time with them would you?Just something to think about before you decide to off yourself.
Like chess pieces….all the same value, once they’re in the box.