ok i will leave.i can’t believe it. i was just trying to fit in but everybody is living because of me.you don’t have
To please i have lot’s of others forums to go.enjoy it suckers:(
ok i will leave.i can’t believe it. i was just trying to fit in but everybody is living because of me.you don’t have
To please i have lot’s of others forums to go.enjoy it suckers:(
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As far as I know, no one is leaving because of you.
Yeah dude nobody has a problem with you that I’m aware of…
no they are living because of me i just read a comment by some user
That some how try to explain me.
Depressedandnihilist leave because of me that is for sure.but this leaving era started when i join
And try to “fit in”.but i will understand if i didn’t fit in a 3rd world man with very poor life.and very poor language skills.yeah but let me tell you to be where i am in a country i live it needs lot’s and lot’s of work.you could have killed yourself if you see what i passed through just by thinking it.but you know don’t leave i will.yeah
Dude, why you say this? Your taste in music is freaking cool – I’m checking out some of the stuff you recommended, and I don’t think anyone has any issues with you (unless I’m completely missing something here). You’re welcome here just as much as anyone else is – we’re all socially schizoid to some extent, but that doesn’t mean you should leave. Of course, if you think that’ll help, then you gotta do what you gotta do, but you seem like a cool guy and I’m getting tired of seeing people get driven away from places like this just because of a little interpersonal conflict now and again. It happens – take it with a grain of salt, as they say. 🙂
Joinel, I’ve been thinking about leaving SP for a while too; though this forum has became a drug lol… I can’t avoid reading posts here at least once per day.
And just so you know, English obviously isn’t my main language either. Ignore the fact that we may misspell words — you know more than one language. That’s awesome. And I live in Brazil — here we see the rich and the poor. I get you.
Don’t leave unless you think it will be good for your mental health — ignore personal conflicts though I don’t think that anyone hates you here.
And I like your comments, don’t leave man 😛
i don’t know i was just confused you know if the problem is me it is ok i can live i don’t want to ruin your forum.but i don’t see other new problem around except me.you can tell me what my problem is or tell me to fuckoff.i don’t mind i seriously don’t.thank you anyways
Nah… Don’t say that. This forum is free and it doesn’t belong to any user (I guess lol)… Relax, post and comment if you want to.
you’re not allowed to leave joinel. And listen to Tristeza. She knows what she is talking about 😀
jswissman, thanks 😛 and yes, he’s definitely not allowed to leave!
There is nothing wrong with helping others. And there is nothing wrong with convincing people they don’t need this site. If some some one wants to leave then maybe that is best. We all belong here, so stay if you want to. Or maybe we will see you some time in the future.
Why on Earth would anyone want to try to convince anyone else to stay or leave this site? All I see are people offering support in case someone is leaving due to a misunderstanding.
Well over time I’ve seen that people make a big deal about being on this site in the first place. Some feel they need to leave but can’t find the motivation. Some feel they need to justify their reason for being here when they really need no justification. And in this case some feel they need to leave because they are harming others, which is common. But all they really need is the validation that they do belong here and even further, that they should stay in order to help others. There are many different reasons but point is that everyone belongs here for as long as they feel it is necessary or relevant.
The only point of distinction I see is between support and coercion. Offering validation is the same as support, correct? It was your particular wording “there is nothing wrong with convincing people they don’t need this site” that I did not understand. In the cases you mention above, people like yourself are going to be supportive and let others know that this is a place for anyone who needs to talk, vent, etc. When you use the word “convincing” that would be negative imo if it goes beyond support to an attempt at coercing someone to take a specific action (to stay or leave) since that should be left entirely up to the individual. But I don’t really know how you were using the word so likely there is no disagreement here, just clarification.
Well some people do need convincing. If you are here long enough you will see people write things some where along the lines of.. “Idk why I frequent a suicide forum!” Or something to that nature. It isn’t wrong to assume that person would appreciate some convincing that there is more to life than this.
I have been thanked personally by people who no longer need this site. Like I said..if you stick around long enough you will see all kinds of people with many different intensions and needs for support.
thanks everyone!
Maybe i misunderstand things:(sorry
What makes you think I have not seen?
If convincing means coercion then, at that point, I am personally against it. I really cannot be clearer than this.
I don’t understand why you keep using that word “coercion”, no one is talking about forcing or threatening anyone. I’m talking about giving advise and support directed towards what the person wants and needs. I’m not gonna try to convince a person to eat an orange when it it’s obvious they are hell vent on eating a banana. See?
Honestly, from my end.. It appears you just want to argue about something. In that case I feel no need to argue about anything. And I never intended to say something that was not supportive or negative. It’s funny that the word “coercion” came up in the first place. lol
Anybody seen clevername, cyanidesofmarch, killswitchon (imonlyaman) , kimmm, dawg, C4, and all the other frequent users…..it seems like they have all disappeared….
Maybe you interpreted suggestions as commands, that’s just a lack of communication on both sides. Perhaps a person does need some insight to what may be beneficial to them. No one can dictate what a person can and cannot do and no one knows a person than the person them self, but advice from outside perspectives don’t hurt. Perhaps the person that advised you to leave this site was just making a judgment based on what they know of you from outside the box. You could at least take their argument into consideration instead of choosing to be blind to it and inappropriately reacting. No one is forcing you to leave this site, you’re just fooling yourself into thinking so. It’s up to you to decide what is best for you, no one can control your actions except you. Stick around if you want, if you feel there are benefits to it.
Perhaps they’re just busy, I wouldn’t jump to any irrational conclusions. It’s probably just a coincidence they’ve all gone at once
Killswitch was on the other day. So was kimmm.
Everyone else is living their own lives I guess.
I suppose I could have just said, “attempting to make up another person’s mind for him/her.”
As for arguing, I already stated I was attempting to clarify what you said, and then stated my personal opinion.
But of course I’m good with you believing I just wanted to argue, that dark matter makes up most of the universe, or anything else you want to believe. 😉
lol it’s funny cuz I’m never off long enough for people to wonder where I am. hehe I often wonder if anyone would jump to any silly conclusion that I might have commited suicide. If anything, I’d die from health complications and no one would ever know unless some one in my family found a way to leave a message for me here. hmmm..
Ah, but dark matter *does* make up most of the universe 🙂 Have you read the book ‘The 4% Universe’ by Richard Panek?
@PainNLife killswitchon(imonlyaman) is doing ok, he’s just not really commenting on SP anymore. About cyanidesofmarch, I’d like to know too.
Well then you weren’t arguing I guess, just clarifying I suppose.
And yes you could have used a different word..that’s probly why it seemed like an argument. lol
This site went post Pompeii all of a sudden!
LOL Yes my word choice could have been better. 🙂
Dark Matter: Yes it functions as the best placeholder scientists currently have. It is possible that in the future a more concise competing theory could falsify the dark matter hypothesis. At least with dark matter evidence can be supplied in the future that supports the theory or falsifies it. The multiverse is a different story. I can’t view that as anything more than a philosophical theory which has no way of being verified.
@Stendarr’s *****- what you up to right now? Laundry? 😉
Actually, there’s mathematics to support the multiverse theory, hence it being called a ‘theory’ (a hypothesis with evidence to support it)
Laundry is on Tuesdays 😛 I’m just hanging out and procrastinating like I always do, you?
Laundry! lol
@SB: Yes I called it a theory. A philosophical theory. I’m willing to call the multiverse theory a scientific theory if someone can explain how empirical evidence can be supplied that will either support the theory or falsify it. (I do not say “prove it” because only math and logic deal in proof as they are axiomatic, deductive systems.)
Still here … been a tad distracted as of late.
Regarding the Multiverse theory – from a layman’s perspective, i think it make sense … just like finding out there were more planets than ours, more solar systems than ours, more galaxies than ours … i think one can reasonably extrapolate there are more universes than ours … in other words a multiverse … couple that logic with tangible scientific and mathematical research, i think it raises the possibility of a multiverse beyond the level of a hypothesis … not sure it reaches the standard of a scientific theory (basically an unprovable law – Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge) like say, evolution, relativity etc. I don’t think we know enough for the mutiverse to attain that level yet… but i think it ultimately will get there because despite the vastness of the concept it seems to fit with natural order of things
quantum dawg
Also still here…
It’s funny, i just happened to feel like having a look in here today, and i see dawg’s “regarding the multiverse theory…” snip on the front page.
@Joinel: i haven’t seen anyone indicate you as their reason for leaving SP. Like most things, SP has an ebb and flow of users, new ones and old ones come and go, all the time. If you happen to show up when the more vocal users happen to be reaching a new phase of existence which involves leaving SP (at least for a while), that doesn’t mean it has anything to do with you. If you want to read and post here, do so. If you want to do something else, do something else.
Some people have a natural tendency toward argumentation. Not everyone understands the same words the same ways, and so, sometimes, people will take issue with their connotative perception of your denotative intent. Depending on my mood, i’ll either completely disregard and dismiss someone who uses words incorrectly in a way that causes impedance to communication… or i’ll give them as much of an ear-full as they’ll take, before they either submit or retreat. I demand accuracy in communication, and i refuse to waste my effort to communicate with someone who refuses to embrace verbal precision, or doesn’t even understand what words mean… or, perhaps more importantly: what they /don’t/ mean.
re: multiverse:
I was just sitting outside the other day, thinking of that Jet Li movie “The One.” Multiple (infinite?) dimensions, and each time one of my ‘me’s’ dies, the rest of my ‘me’s’ become incrementally stronger. In the film, one of the main character’s selves is evil, from another dimension, has gained the ability to travel between dimensions, and decides to murder the rest of his selves, until there is only one of him remaining, and all of his life force is focused into a single being, aka “the one.”
I was just sitting there, thinking… multiple dimensions is the only way to explain or understand “infinity,” which must exist to explain/understand existence itself… because “something” cannot just spontaneously manifest out of sheer nothingness. There has to be a cycle, an infinite cycle, with infinite dimensions, looping through like a sort of mobius strip.
Everything has a container. All containers are contained in larger containers. In order for a maximum limit to exist, that limit must express itself as infinity, and sort of “flip,” or turn inward upon itself (like a mobius strip), so that end is beginning, beginning is end, forever is forever, through the spontaneous eruption of “the cycle.” There has to be a something, in order for the nothing to have a definition.
People say things like “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem…” and i always take issue with that. Life is temporary. Even All the stars in the skies are temporary, despite their existence spanning perhaps many billions of earth-years. Everything that exists, is temporary.
But then i think: we have to have bad, to know what good is.
So… How do we know what “temporary” means, unless there is something that IS permanent?
What is permanent? Is death even permanent? Can anything “permanent” really occur? Sure, the iteration of a specific body or being can be permanently destroyed… but “what if” the infinite looping multi-dimentional multiverse is literally forever? One single universe could end… but wouldn’t the whole thing just get sucked back into the loop?
What if when we die, our “consciousness” is then divided among all of the other resulting forms… until we become conscious in “the source?” Maybe we have infinite lives. I just don’t think we know we’ve lived before. Each time is like the first and only time, over and over, again and again.
I mean, it’s either that, or it’s just impossible to understand, and we don’t have long enough to figure it out before we each greet our inevitable oblivion. Just in case it’s this, i have “better” things to do, than to sit around talking to a bunch of miserable depressed people. I already know misery and depression. I don’t need to learn that any further.
For those of you who still have not yet come to terms with your own existence… it’s a long way down. I would recommend doing your best to maintain your physical health, in the meantime. In the event you do eventually figure it out, you’ll need a healthy body to actually do anything about it.