I hate myself so much. I’m such a waste of space, I don’t even deserve to breathe the air around me. I should have died so many years ago. Worst part is, I just don’t have the courage to do it for myself. I’m just waiting for death to find me. I smoke enough and I’ve abused my body so much, it’s really surprising that it hasn’t yet. I actually have no interest in anything. I do nothing. I go nowhere. I can barely force myself to make a phone call. I’m existing just to exist. This is not a life worth living.
You don’t deserve to breathe the air? Why should anyone ‘deserve’ to breathe? We’re born living off oxygen/********/etc. No oxygen, we die. Have you ever been in a tight enclosed space? It isn’t fun, I tell you.
My point is that – we all breathe the air. If we weren’t breathing, we would be dead. In no way does the issue of who is ‘deserving’ come into account. You might look at a serial killer or child abductor and say, they’re such a terrible person, they shouldn’t be alive. But – no matter if they’re around or not, no matter how many humans exist – we’re not in danger of running out of atmospheric gases anytime soon. Therefore, it is invalid to say that you yourself or anyone else might be undeserving of the air to breathe.
BTW you’re not a waste of space either. If there were no humans and nothing on earth, it would be completely empty, meaningless. Human beings are what makes this planet unique. Every single one counts (yes, even the ones who fall onto the wrong paths – they weren’t always that way). You may think you have no redeeming factors, but I assure you that you do. I don’t know you personally, so I can’t point out anything that I’ve observed about you, but you are clearly suffering from depression and negative thought patterns. If you are able to overcome these thoughts, you will see that there is much to like about yourself. In fact, I challenge you right now – think about your interests, think of some non-harmful things you enjoy doing – and make a list. Are any of these interests that you could put effort into or discuss with other people if you had the energy? I suspect so. You’re not as bad as you think, trust me.
I hear u. I go places when i need to. I put on a happy face but I am not happy. I pretend to be. Dont cry infront of my family. Theres only one neighbour i can trust to cry infront of and she says not to because it will make me sick.
“I actually have no interest in anything. I do nothing. I go nowhere. I can barely force myself to make a phone call. I’m existing just to exist. This is not a life worth living.”
^These words could have come from me….As I know the feeling because I feel the same way….
I hate the way I feel and its even worse knowing many others share this horrible feeling
Awe painnlife, it sucks, doesn’t it? I also feel bad for all the people suffering out there. I wish that I could help them as I really feel their pain, regardless if they’re suffering from depression or any other bad circumstances. What a cruel life this is.
Persephone, thank YOU so much for your kind words. It’s hard to feel any way other than how I do, but I did read your post a couple of times and for that I thank you. You took the time to write such thoughtful words. Very sweet of you.
Marianna, I really hope that things get better for you and for everyone else for that matter.
Finding a reason or purpose for life is so remarkably difficult. And you are very intelligent which can make it even harder. I have given my life one simple purpose: to laugh. And to make others laugh. This may not be yours but laughter truly can be the best medicine! Id be more than happy to start you off with a joke lol. Id love the chance/challenge of making you laugh.
Fortunear, thank you for saying that. I think that you have a great attitude and it shows how much of a caring and thoughtful person you are. I smile all the time, nobody really knows that I feel this way. I don’t even know why I’m such a smiley person, when I’m so sad inside. I guess my purpose in life seems to be to help others. I have so much compassion, it’s actually a little weird. I think it’s because I myself am so sad, that I cannot stand to see others suffer, so I try to help them in any way that I can. I actually feel the pain that others are feeling and it makes me suffer even more. It’s the reason that I chose to go vegan many years ago. I can’t stand to know that any being, human or animal may experience suffering and torture, so I try to live a cruelty free lifestyle. Maybe that’s my purpose to exist? I’d love to hear a joke by the way! 🙂
What does Alfred Hitchcock use to keep his pants up? SUSPENSEders!!!!