I have been thinking alot about my final “playlist” — songs that emphatically speak to my despair and support my decision to die. Here are a few: Eddie Vedder’s entire “Into the Wild” soundtrack; “Find the River” “Aftermath,” “Try Not to Breathe” and of course “Its The End of the World As We Know It” from Michael Stipe and REM. Jeff Buckley or KD Lang’s “Hallelujah” open to all styles and motifs, but wonder what other folks have as their misery songs.
Johnny cash – Hurt
Evanescence – My immortal
Tantric – chasing after
These are the three I like the most…..
I think about this too… but music keeps me going.
Grey Street – Dave Matthews Band
Shotgun – also DMB (that one will talk you down)
Angel from Montgomery – i have to go with Bonnie Raitt on this one
Indifference – Pearl jam
and yeah..
KD’s Haleluja.. good call.
Black lab – This night
This song will be on repeat in my final hrs
I’ve turned into such an emo ******, I do this too. Sea Song by Doves is my favourite song about suicide (actually I’m not sure if this song really is about suicide or not, I just interpret it as such). Free As A Bird and Nowhere Man by The Beatles are also two other of my “misery songs”.
Placebo- Running up that hill
Vnv Nation- Illusion
Susannah and the Magical Orchestra- Enjoy the Silence
Hungry Lucy – Blue dress
Jonsi- Tornado, Kolniour
Iamx- Quiet the Mind
Elliott Smith- NEedle in the hay.. Ahhh royal Tenenbaums.
Aimee Mann- Wise up…
Bjork- All is full of love
Portishead- Sour Times
Off the top of my head.. I was subjected to the 80s so.. . yeah. sorry?
Yeah. i like music.. forgot a good one..
Mogwai- friend of the night….. just sucks the life out of me.
@Roak I spot a Kate Bush cover! (Running Up That Hill) I like Bjork and Jonsi, I’ll have to check out the others. I’ll post some of my own suggestions in a bit.
post when you feel like.. Always like adding to the collection… Personally i prefer NIN version of Hurt but variety isn’t bad.
Paper Bag – Fiona Apple
Bridge over troubled water – Aretha Franklin & Paul Simon
Seven Years – Norah Jones…lots by Norah
Linger – The Cranberries
Grace is Gone – Dave Matthews
Ten Years Gone & Going to California – Led Zeppelin
Revealing Too Much – The Honorary Title
I’ll Follow You Into the Dark – Death Cab
Cath – Death Cab
Ms – alt-J
& just to reiterate, a lot of the ones above, including
Johnny Cash – Hurt
All of Eddie Vedder’s into the wild soundtrack
Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah
Dave Matthews – Grey Street
so many more…
ahh 2 more
Dixie Chicks – Lullaby
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