Hey guys.. Well it’s been awhile and I just wanted to say yeah… I’m cutting deeper… I just kindof wanna rant so I guess I will haha ^-^’… Well let me start by saying that it’ll be my 5th year cutting in August 2014 and I’m pretty addicted… My past was horrible but I mean I’m sure yours was worse…. :/ :c well anyways currently my family (Mother and one of my sisters and I) can’t even buy food… Not even from the dollar menu! Our family other than us three is so rich the give no frucks about us. It’s pretty sa when the person who givesbirth to you is ignored and only your cousins are cared about. Because they have money. (That would be my dumb older sister.) oh god. You think I’m kidding when I say dumb. No. I’m seriously not. She’s a stupid,greedy B*TCH. At least my little sister is a skinny b*tch. So anyways, I clearly have nothing going for me as even my family will ‘subtley hint’ I’m a worthless piece of sh*t that’s fat and really only a slave to wash and clean and clean and wash when I’m not in school. My only support rught now is my amazing boyfriend who has been there for me even before we were dating. He really is amazing. I need help. I really feel as if I need to die and yes, I really am not a poser or an attention whore as I have been struggling with depression(Major Depression Disorder) and Bi-Polar most of my life now :/. Well guys. I’m done for now.. I think I’ll make a new set of cuts..
harming ur self wont lead nywhere and cutting urself may release ur frustation momentarily but it will pull u deeper in dis vortex of depression
I really care, please could we get to chat ? I would really like to help like your boyfriend does, will do my best.
On reading what you wrote yes, I understand but your case is one of those that can be solved, there is nothing irretrievable there.
If you are addicted to self harm, this may help.
Lesson 330
I will not hurt myself again today.
Umm well.. You can email me if you want..