You know that character from movie or story that always make a mistakes and screwed up even at a simplest task? I’ve become that person. I don’t know why but I feel whatever choice I make or anything I do always end up wrong.
Is there any connection between my stupidity and my (self diagnosed, I haven’t go to psychologist) Bipolar Disorder?
This whole ordeal makes me think that I don’t belong here and it feels bad, that I think if I were gone, everything would be so much better without me.
1 comment
Sweetie, you need to talk to someone who can help you. Counselor, mentor, minister, etc. Take a chance. You should know if it is the right one after a visit or two. If not, keep looking. Help is out there. Good luck.
P.S. to dreamstauge. No offense to you, sweethear, but this is self aggrandizement. “I am the worst,” “I suffer the most,” etc. Ranting is no crime and perfectly understandable, as the individual becomes preoccupied and myopically focused on the suffering of the self. It is more a measure of the excruciating feeling of suffering than anything else. Yet, it is clearly how the individual feels, never mind all reality to the contrary.