I’ve got it all planned. on New Year’s eve,finally. But I am just sad to leave too many debts behind. Not too sure who’s gonna handle it after I’m gone. I guess the fear before doing it is normal, but what stops me is my mind. Sometimes, I may change my mind, and I don’t want it to happen again this time. I have to spend two days till New year’s eve. I’m sad to leave my family behind, but I guess they will get over me. All of my misery will end, and I don’t have to suffer in this world anymore. Good luck to all and Happy New Year, for those who’s still holding on, keep holding on because someday things will change. …it didn’t for me.
What has led you to make this decision, if I may ask?
How are you planning to go?
Ive done some research on debt left behind, family shouldn’t inherit dent as long as it is just in you name. They can make a claim on your estate (anything of value that you own) but other than that its usually written off and its their loss, which is why they charge all the interest etc. hope the rules are the same in your country, it should be.
How old are you? Just because life hasn’t changed yet doesn’t mean it won’t get better someday. I’m not a big fan of life on planet Earth. So I’m not pushing, one way or the other; but you sound hesitant.
Perhaps read my post ‘Hold on, Hold out,’ from Dec. 24, and listen to the song.
I wish you well, whatever occurs. Hey, this life might be the mirage; the next the real deal. But I do know this one is hard to leave. Our bodies and minds are programmed to survive.
Please don’t.
There have been a lot of folks who suffered for a long time and have yet learned to live with pain, and realized life is still worth living.
Stick around. You also have friends here.