Hello Everyone , I would like to know if anyone has any ideas on where i may obtain barbiturates.? tuinal, ******** etc
                  Thankyou,   Ian
Hello Everyone , I would like to know if anyone has any ideas on where i may obtain barbiturates.? tuinal, ******** etc
                  Thankyou,   Ian
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Hey Ian,
Well I don’t know but can they not make easier names. Why it’s barbiturablasblaas that sound barbie goes wrong, tuinal and nembtual sound like fish names. Which is quite funny
And I that’s how you screw your liver with fish named stuff so
would recommend against
How get I barbiturates? Get I barbiturates from doctor, mon, or if have I lab equipment, make it with that.
Barbiturates have largely been replaced by Benzodiazepines in the common medical prescribing protocol during the late 80s early 90s. Finding the big two: ******** and Tuinal is next to impossible in the US. They are starting to use ******** for the death penalty in some states. But the lingering Barbiturates that are still around include: PEnobarbital and PHENObarbital…getting those would require asking a doctor for them to give it for *severe* alcohol/benzo withdrawal (which is life threatening.) But even then , they would most likely only give them to you in inpatient settings..
Could always go to Mexcico or India…hehehe.
…or having a dog that has anxiety, and talking to a vet. My friend’s dog takes pentobarbital because she’s an anxious collie that tries to eat the vacuum cleaner when you sweep the floor.
Are you sure they give that dog pentobarbital? i believed it was only prescribed as liquid solution for euthanasia (veterinary) use, and hasn’t been prescribed in pill form in sometime
It’s definitely pentobarbital. I used to eat those things when we’d house-sit for my friend’s step-mom. They’re quite tasty.
Haha tasty? pentobarbital tastes awful! i almost threw up just by tasting a bit of it in powdered form, maybe the dog version of it has some flavour? or you are just kidding haha (about the flavour, i believe you about it being pb)… didn’t it knock you out tho? it is a pretty strong sleeping aid
Well, I’m known to suggest that morphine and raw garlic is tasty, so take that how you will… Haha…
And yeah, the stuff makes you feel drunkish and groggy, depending on the dosage. I think they prescribe dogs really low therapeutic doses, but I remember taking three or four of them at a time.
Barbiturates are no joke for sure….