Weed can help fight depression and suicidal thoughts…
Have you tried it? If so… What was the outcome? It worked for me until I abused it and its effects on me became significantly weaker so I ended up quitting for almost a year and 6 months…but now that I have been using again this time in moderation I feel a bit more suited to deal with my problems… Hopefully…weed is indeed my answer… Not saying it will solve anything…but it damn sure makes me feel good enough to try…
Oh and P.S: if you smoke weed?… Try eating some mangoes about 10 minutes before….it’ll boost the high significantly… You’re welcome 😀
Not sure where you live, pain, but within 5 years I’m sure weed will be legal in the states.
The states are falling in one by one and with a sluggish economy the powers that be will be happy to tax it.
Yeah I’m in Ohio… I certainly hope you’re right….hmmm if that happens I’m sure several millionaires will be made from it…perhaps we need to start planning a business in anticipation of legalization….nothing beats preparation…
I used to smoke daily, for about three years. I loved it. Something changed, though. It started making me really paranoid and insecure, out of nowhere. It was so bad I had to quit. Not sure why that happened. I miss it loads.
You may have something there, Pain… I wonder if there is a legitimate stock for medical marijuana. If so, buying in now before it becomes industrialized could indeed make ya rich.
Dude… stock tip of the millennium, right there.
“Buy Weed Stocks.”
The licensed retailers and growers in colorado are worried they won’t be able to keep up with demand. I agree: that is a clearly possibility. Those businesses are going to be making M$/google/apple money, very soon. Then, they’ll revolutionize weed-science.
Insidious, it could be the strain you were smoking. There are huge differences between sativas and indic as, and hybrids.
To me, cheap weed makes me paranoid and the expensive stuff makes me creative.
Hello PainNlife
I am across the pond in Ontario myself where medical marijuana is legal. It was prescribed for me in 2000.
After a while I too was abusing the weed…to avoid my own hell. Unfortunately it worked only too well…but an unwatched pot (pun intended) quickly boils over. haha I went to my GP and asked her to help me quit smoking. She told me that she would help me quit smoking cigarettes…but not the marijuana. It was her opinion that it was the only thing keeping me alive…long story. aha
In the end I did quit for quite some time…and now I use it responsibly…err….most of the time. 😀 I think why they don’t want to legalize it….is because it makes us think differently. We become less interested in the “status quo”…and as such become difficult if nigh impossible to govern. The truth is that weed will set your mind free. What you choose to focus on you will succeed at…even if that is destroying your own life.
Weed yes !!! But positive thoughts and moderation for sure.
Love and Light
Pass me the Leftie
It would absolutely rock to be a legal weed farmer.
To quote cypress hill “growing my crops with the rays of the sun…”
HIHW, I don’t know much about the different types, but the stuff I smoked got me immensely high, so I assumed it was good bud, and the problem was me.
You should find the strain that suits you and grow it yourself so it will be consistent in the way it affects you.
yep, the differences between indoor/outdoor, low/high grade, indica/sativa, and even various selectively bred crosses and strains, all have different feels.
Some can cause paranoia and trigger anxiety attacks. The setting in which you consume it, as well as your physiology and mindset at the time, are all factors worth considering and adjusting.
I don’t like “schwag,” but if that’s all there is, i won’t refuse it either (except that i’ve declined the last several offers, for nearly 2 years now, because i was clinging to delusional hopes of getting a job that would require clean piss… which never happened, and i don’t think it ever will, at this point…).
Kind bud ftw.
Everyone (of legal age) should be allowed to grow it themselves. But lots of people won’t, if they don’t have to.
I think weed needs to be de-criminalized rather than legalized. It has been de-criminalized here to a point. Although I have my med. file if I ever get in trouble…I refuse to smoke the Big Brother’s weed. This would require being on various lists…and the government controls such thing as THC levels….and eeeek…God knows what else. I think by legalizing weed…the government gets a new much needed income…and they make you show ID to buy it….and now you become someone to watch…or someone who is easily disposed of…or someone to use as an example. The possibilities are endless.
In Canada….medical marijuana is free…you heard me….free…BUT AT WHAT COST ?
So the fact that I have to pay for it goes a long way towards me not abusing it. Free is too expensive for me.
And no I am not paranoid from smoking weed. hahaha I can’t afford to smoke THAT much.
Legalizing it makes it available from a specific site. Decriminalizing it allows us to grow our own. Oh yeah….Canada just amended their weed laws to make it illegal to grow your own. It was legal for many years…if you had a prescription. The fuckers want us on a list. I want to be able to grow my own again.
I swear that the Tree of Knowledge that Adam and Eve partook of in Eden must have been weed. It’s in the Book….so how come it isn’t growing wild everywhere? Just curious. haha
Legalized, to me, means that as an adult, i can grow my own, do whatever i want with it (aside from supplying it to minors), and it’s no one’s business but mine.
It also means that i want it *in writing* that no one shall be given authority to raid my residence or shoot my dogs or seize my assets, or otherwise interfere with my rights as a human being. I want it on the books that i can do whatever i want with weed, as long as i don’t harm anyone else. That is the only acceptable outcome that can be reached.
If someone does something stupid with or on weed, then they should be held accountable. But people should not be persecuted and have their lives ruined over cannabis. It is absolutely unacceptable that this illegitimate law has not only gained establishment, but has infected almost every country on the globe. It’s inhumane, and outrageous, that anyone has ever been punished *just* for weed. I refuse to respect any legal system that allows this heinous travesty to continue, and especially not one that actually refuses to allow itself to be corrected, by denying any cases filed against the legitimacy of that law, when it’s entirely obvious, due to publicly available information, that such a law should never have been allowed to pass in the first place, and should have been immediately thrown out, upon the truth of the matter having been discovered and revealed.
Nice CM This is what I was trying to say actually. haha Legal means the government controls it like booze and smokes etc. De criminalized means….it should not be against the law…and you should not be persecuted for it.
It has been somewhat de criminalized here in Canada. Meaning…I can’t get more than a fine for possession of a personal amount. Stray over the line by a gram or two and you’re being arrested for trafficking. I say de-criminalize all the way…then we can grow our own….the way God intended.
But there is no money to be made from this…so it will not likely come to pass.
One can dream tho….can’t one? Puff…puff…pass.
No hope for me now Lord ! I’m one toke over the line.
The RIAA is proof that an organization can still make lots of profit, even when people exchange those same resources for free (albeit without permission).
Even with “decriminalization,” it’s still a punishable offense against some “law.” They just don’t call you a criminal over it. Kinda like running stop signs or racking up several speeding tickets. Eventually, though, you become “a habitual rule breaker,” and they start cranking up those fines.
There should be zero fines, unless you harm someone else, or damage someone’s property… or hurt their feelings really, really bad, i guess (lol).
By “legalize,” i’m not neither including nor excluding the taxation and regulation. I think they, just like us, should be allowed to have a business end of things; go ahead and tax it and regulate it, for the business end of things… but don’t tell me i can’t grow a plant in my yard or house and then smoke it, and don’t tell me i have to pay $2000 a year to have a license to do so. That’s BS. But i wouldn’t mind paying that, if i were allowed to go nuts with it and both smoke as much as i want, and sell the rest (which is still technically illegal, even in CO and WA). If you’re a licensed grower, you’re not supposed to smoke your own harvest. If you’re a retailer, you can’t also be a grower (or processor/separator, for that matter). And the tax scale… well, let’s just say: i’d rather just grow my own, and leave the money out of it entirely.
People like to get high and pretend this is all going to work out “soon,” but it’s been effed up since 1937, with no indication that the authorities will ever allow it to change, at least at the federal level… which is where it really matters.
I’m tired of waiting.
I’m tired of persecution.
I’m tired of the “stoner stupid” stigma.
I’m tired of all the disinformation propaganda, blatantly lying to people, confusing them, and making them think i’m a “bad person,” because i think cannabis is awesome and should be accessible to everyone (of age) who wants it, for any reason.
I’m tired of a lot of things.
I think i need to get some nugs, and tell everyone who has a problem with that, to go eff themselves… or go educate themselves… or just, Go, away from me, and leave me alone with what makes me feel better.
lol… “not neither…” oops.
haha nice rant
but I agree….in my clumsy way I was saying the same thing. De-criminalize it…take it right off the law books. Let me smoke it my way. Legalization is just another form of control. I WILL NOT BE CONTROLLED !
They should make a law that says cannabis cannot ever be made illegal. They should then make another law, that says that “cannabis can’t be illegal” law, can never be overturned, for any reason. And they should make a third law, protecting the second law, which comes with a mandatory treason-justified death-penalty, for attempting to overturn any of these 3 laws.
Maybe that would fix it.
One can only Hope. hahaha You could use it as a cause in your new career in social activism. Instead of ban the bomb…you could use…uhmmm…bring the bong? I dunno…by I like the way you think…on this subject anyway. 😀
A career in social activism? If i knew how to get paid to shout things people don’t want to hear, i’d be rich.
I had an idea earlier about starting a non-profit, but self-sustaining, co-op cannabis sanctuary, for people who are persecuted elsewhere. Like a modern-day hippie commune, except without all the BS. And showers and technology and stuff.
And then we could commission the manufacture of a fleet of weed-powered buses, call them “canni-bus,” and send them round trip, to round up refugees from other places (we need to add “airbuses” to that list, maybe even boats, to reach other continents), and have them come live at the commune, safe from the unnecessary harassment they would otherwise face.
I was at the stage of attempting to consider all the details, but i figured i need to be high for that part. All that number crunching gets tedious pretty quickly.
Well first you have to go to University and get a degree in shit stirring. I think they call it a Masters in Social Work. Oh shit….that was my Master at Univ. Oh crap.
Allright….I’ll help you. lmao I created a post for you….check it out. I’m still friggin’ laughing. Maybe I do smoke too much weed. NAH !!!!
As an old hippie myself….I dig the ideas of personal hygiene…perhaps we can work it into a new religion or sumpin’. hahaha
oh shit
that is supposed to say…that was my Major at Univ….ah well…I mastered it anyway.
Honestly….like what if thats the plan? for TPTB to let shit get so bad….then…boom they legalize MJ on all levels because it’ll help them tremendously….they could tax the dog shit out of it too….and people complain about cig tax? oh they haven’t seen anything yet…65% tax on MJ…. OUCH!
PainNlife That is the plan….that is why I won’t smoke government weed…if I am on their radar…how will I ever get away with black market and growing. shhhh now
yeah and with technology getting so advanced….eventually they will have cameras the size of a grain of sand….it’ll be all downhill from there if they ever start heavily monitoring folks…
oh wait…
I only have one thing to say. s n
o w
d e n
now I’m screwed….haha
the cameras are already here
Dude, they already have… i can’t remember if it was “rechargeable” or “lithium” batteries, but they made some batteries that are literally a millimeter wide.
PERFECT for the bionic mosquitoes and spy flies.
Shit’s about to get real; like really real.
“let shit get so bad….then…boom they legalize MJ on all levels because it’ll help them tremendously”
Problem > reaction > solution
They’re going to do this in various ways, for several different events, within the next 5 years.