How do you tell your mom you’re depression is coming back? Or that you’re feeling really down again and don’t know what to do? Because I kmow my mom will freak. Help?
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Dear FakeSmikesRight,
Did your mother stay with you with the first round of depression?
When she freaks, what does that entail? Abuse?
Actually no, she made me keep my door open at all times, and I guess she didn’t know what to do so she started to avoid me
No not at all. Just freak out, panic I guess?
Try to have an honest and calm talk with her, she might freak out, but if she was kinda supportive last time i don’t see a reason why she might not be now. Besides, i assume she would prefer honesty instead of you hiding things… the avoiding is just because she might know how to deal with it, but maybe she can help you get therapy or some kind of help.