if you walked by a crowed of people. would you be able to point out the ones that are sad and the ones who have nothing better to do then just kill them selvs?
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Perceive surroundings and make immediate intuitive decisions was part of the training syllabus in the military. Part of that was reading the ground/terrain or if FIBUA (aka urban operations) observing the general population for undesirables or those with intentions other than their daily business. I actually find it quite interesting to passively observe people while I’m waiting for a train or walking to the village shopping complex. Sad people are characterised by a blank stare with a faint sense of wanting. Suicidal people are completely vacant, almost autonomous in their personal bearing. Unless you are suicidal too, there is no way one could possibly spot another of the same. You also get that feeling around them to, like everyone has colour, till this Caucasian girl, blonde, early twenties walks past and she’s in slow motion; her vibrancy shaded in grey.
I should’ve done the Field Intelligence training package when I had the chance. Dammit.
i couldnt.
really? 🙂
yes… most people are the same boring kettle…
that can be recognised from a distance.
though I doubt everybody is so translucent, some of them are really good actors, for example me. But to a really good observant I think I am given. Everybody is.
The tokens of life are visible on everybody that does not visit plastic surgeries like piano lessons. Such people have some kilos on their bodies, but their cheeks are sunken, chins feeble, eyes with deep circles and skin pale (do not visit outdoors – dislike social circles, do not care so much for their appearance, movement is annoying for them) do not maintain the eye contact, their steps are nervous and disjoined or too forceful, but not confident. Or they look good and enjoy their last moments…
When spoken to – speak politely (do not want to arose suspicions), laughing awkwardly and with the listener (few things seem funny to them), bitterly and with inside jokes (like they plan something)… Or laughing at anything, because most of things seem petty to them….
about their future – too big words, but meaningless because have no real detailed plans… or they recite their speech to seem credible.
When doing something – vacantly and like on a mission without observation their surroundings or bitterly or longingly and with goodbye in their eyes already having their minds in peace… – those are for multiply attempters…
Newbies (cries for help) are nervous and often look guilty or aggrieved and maybe hopeful that someone stop them and angry, like they plan revenge to the world for their state.
But basically, yes, it is easy. Sad people are sad, like they are coping, but still planning their lives, with colourful emotions and slightly angry…. Dead sure suicidal people like if they do not care the word war 3 could start (they are resigned) – but I learned most of such people are the caring and good ones, only life was hard to them…. it’s those rats that tend to survive anything without caring about dignity, morals and pride.
If I walked over the San Francisco bridge I might be able to spot a jumper. Otherwise, I don’t think I’m that intuitive nor have I had the training Mysterious Stranger has had.
*cattle… of course 😀
but I guess, kettle seems plausible. Stupid, dull and hard-headed and hot-boiling without reasons.
It’s like picking a needle out of a haystack since there is relatively not many people who are suicidal. It’s a fraction of 1% that are successful. You can always assume, but no one really know what is going on in someone’s head.
good for me then, living in one of the countries with highest suicides ratios.
BA@ if that was the case, world would be better, because people would be People with their personalities and unique souls and not worthless copied rubbish… To me 99 % are the same and trust me, I used to LOVE and truly knew people back in the good old days…
“…people would be People with their personalities and unique souls and not worthless copied rubbish… ”
But that’s people being people: once someone finds a highly effective configuration, other people copy it, and then go on to claim that anyone not using that configuration is “gimped.” This configuration becomes “cookie cutter,” and is the defacto standard for anyone who wants a chance to succeed… and suddenly, everyone is exactly the same, and no one but the most rebellious and/or masochistic will ever attempt to identify alternative configurations that are useful… and when more configs are discovered, those become “cookie cutters” too.
1) watch the successful people
2) do what they do
3) ???
4) profit
Humanity has been simplified into ridiculousness, aka “dumbed down.” And if you don’t like or want to use the defacto standard cookie cutter builds… well, you’re “gimped,” and no one wants you.
The cookie cutter is God’s image?
I find starting a conversation with others and listening you what they are saying is fair way to tell the difference. Even if I have to listen between the lines. From what is being verbalized and what is expressed.
Between the lines aka what you want to hear?
“read between the lines” is about listening to what is omitted, and watching for “tells” or “cues” in their mannerisms and body language. I’m some kind of profiling savant. I’ve done it all my life, naturally, without being trained to do so, and i’m rarely wrong (mostly because i don’t leap to conclusions, but actually carefully consider what i’ve observed, in combination with what is not observed, due to having been omitted).
And no, my previous comment had nothing to do with religion… though i suppose it could indeed be applicable there as well.
Thank goodness for profiling
Bipolar American, not what I want to hear, what the individual is too scared to say. Out of fear of being ridiculed.
clevername, I don’t distinguish between success and fails. Society is what society is built upon, how and by whom. By us. If that what world believes will bring us in long-term happiness and progress, who am I to stop them? The question is – how many profit people can make before the Earth will be able to grant and collapse in itself? In nowadays merits, I give it 20-50 years and there will be Only wars upon wars… because of water, the woods, the food and basic standards…
So, no, I don’t think that people who act by their own deliberation (Cogito ergo sum) and not going with the flow are in fault…. those are the few that managed to hold the society in their bounds, give our existence meanings, enjoyment, knowledges, evolution in our CNS… People who know that making profit despite great number of victims and pride is stupid and not without consequences… I know the world will be a better place with less materialism, more education, modesty and selfishness that eats everything in its path like a black hole…
I’m not naive and optimistic, quite the opposite, and some selfishness leads to progress naturally, but no such blind hunger. The are simply no real values here…
You would love to be successful and loved and known? – great idea, but not with the hate, destruction, blind economical hunger and so on…
And that what makes us full of mistakes and stupidity… we reach for and fight for things with no meanings and ignore or give no thoughts to values that truly require our attentions…
I am sorry, I do not mean to offend, but when someone cries about fails in his career life, it is mostly about money and not having enough material things… they are the alfa and omega, but they are not the solution to all problems… but that may be only me /since I wanted to be a silly doctor and be simply me… nothing more… sure I got inspired by others, but how many people really know who is worth to be the inspiration and not listening gutter press and nowadays vulgar ‘culture’ that influence them and make them even bigger sheeple? Is that a success?
And when the only way to gain love will be through money and cheap poses until then the money and fake gold-leaf will be God and we its slaves….
Btb, how post about recognition turned to general success triangle of life, I do not know…. either way, I hope my next attempt will be success this weekend…
(and excuse my terrible English, hopefully you puzzle something out of it).
Um, yes. Sometimes I can tell just by looking at their face or hearing their voice and sometimes I can tell at a distance. It’s really a fucking curse sometimes.
@nozmoking, Really? Did you hear and see the signs, then they committed suicide? Maybe you’re a medium