I have this wild urge to drop everything to move away and be a stripper in a big city.
Is that considered reckless behavior? or reckless thinking in this case?
I’m almost drawing up a game plan here to leave this winter.
I’ll end up destroying myself.. I can feel it
I wouldn’t say wreckless. i ve seen much worse things . but whatever path you take hope it works out .
Well, this was a nice thing to wake up too. You’ve escaped from a similar place already, why go back? I’d say it’s a bit of both, reckless to the point of…total disregard for what you’ve achieved already. Of course, I am powerless to stop you and with your current state of mind you may go through with this anyway. It’s just…I wouldn’t want to see any of my friends do that. Not when I know they’re much more than TNA on a Saturday night with sleazebags trying to grope them.
But then I’ll end up destroying myself anyway. Who am I to speak.
yeah. i think about the old life all the time and why i left it but i really want to go back on occasions
Becoming a stripper is a sensible career choice. They make more in a night than most people make in a week.
yeah. the drinking doesnt agree with me though
Huh. Maybe I should become a male stripper. I’ll test it out on my neighbour first: Chuck on my old uniform, rock up to her place, fake an invasion scare then BOOM! Oh she’d love that. I can imagine the estranged wives and girlfriends chasing after a twenty year old piece of meat. That scares me but…the money sounds good so why not?
(…what am I becoming.)
why not?
cause i’m thinking of leaving life in general.
this would include breaking up with my boyfriend, quitting my brand spanking new job, cancelling everything for school and moving to the seediest of all seeds of a state. NY
all in an effort to throw myself in danger and make good money while doing it
Good point, I’ll have to look into this. Seriously.
Yeah, I’m looking at checking out as well. As another user told me, she’d hoped I’d “gone out in style”. I’m not sure how much style points for flaunting my man package. and trim body, but it’d be better than wasting away in my bedroom. The difference between me and you is that you risk sacrificing A LOT and not just yourself. I wouldn’t want to break up with my girlfriend if I had one, nor would I quit a new job until I’d given it a fair attempt.
…but the money is good and I want to die anyway so… Damn, I dunno. 🙁
well if you ever decide you want to do it come find me.
we can be roommates 🙂
You’re just full of ideas, aren’t you? 🙂
Hmm… I was thinking of running away to the States and becoming a Park Ranger but…male stripper in the Big Apple might be a better approach. How would that work? A male and female stripper rooming together? Haven’t heard of that before lol. Sounds cool though, and different. Different is good.
This was fun to read if nothing else. I’d say do it. But not in New York. There are other places strippers make more bank than any other. Just gotta hit the seasons right.
i think it would be fun
Me too. I would be game. But my home literally just got a flat. And there is no spare, and I have no money. So you can see the problem.
pssh. and stripping with us would fix that flat and get you cheerios.. how cool is that?
Lol. I love Cheerios!
This post sure makes an interesting read. I don’t think being a stripper is a bad thing.
Heck, in my current condition i’d be a male stripper if i had the body for it, since i have nothing to lose. But A) I don’t want to give women a severe undeserving trauma for seeing me wth light clothes, and B) I’m really bad at griping at things, so i’d smash my head in the floor everytime when trying to dance at the stripping pole. It wouldn’t be a sexy thing to look.
Wow….I have known so many male strippers over the last 20 years. Let me tell you, they make a helluva lot more money stripping in Gay bars than for women. Don’t let Magic Mike fool you. All the women do is scream….the gay guys actually tip….and I don’t mean dollar bills……I have connections in L.A. and NYC……I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!!!
Hmm. Living with a woman could offset that perhaps. And I mean if the money is good then why not. Huh. This just turned into an outstanding idea. I’ve had the gay Mafia after me on more than one occasion and…I f*ckin hate it, but hey if the knob jockeys are going to pay top dollar I’m not gonna complain.
Long as Sophie is there then sweet, otherwise hell no.
Wait, there is a gay mafia? I can’t even start to imagine their punishment if you get in their way. I assume they dress better than the regular mafia tho.
You know it’s trouble when you meet a guy named Keegan “Big Balls” Ballone. I didn’t stick around to find out, I blame my cousin for taking me there anyway. She purposely had me listen to her iPod so I wouldn’t hear WHAM! playing in the background. (It was a LGBT type gig.) [NEVER AGAIN…except if they’re paying.]
Dem Zoolander flashbacks.
Las Vegas has top tier strippers. I met a dancer once who moved from Miami to Santa Monica and got an apartment right on the beach. She would fly to Vegas every weekend and dance on Friday and Saturday nights, the fly back to LAX and go to school during the week. She was 27, drove a Lexus, and had a body (and face) to die for. From my perspective she was living a charmed life.
(I knew her because she hired me to do a few manual labor type jobs for her. She always over paid me and called it a tip. Haha. What a doll).
wow… i think i’d like to do that 🙂
that sounds great