Why don’t people have the right to commit suicide? As soon as a person says that they are going to kill themselves all of their rights get taken away from them. It is their life and their body why can’t they kill them selves if they so wish? People have the right to abortion, that is also dealing with life and death. Generally people who kill themselves have been dealing with depression for years, wouldn’t it be easier for them to just kill them self? Who is to say it will get better?
Human history… You either tweak your attitude towards things and enjoy yourself the best you can, or not. I, for one, sincerely hope you feel better, and live better. Whatever that may mean to you. Peace.
The people with power control the ones without.
Whoever says it gets better is doing so as if they have knowledge of the future. They are making suppositions on no evidence. Indeed, sometimes it’s quite obvious that things will never get “better,” at least to the extent that would make life worth living. Better is a really subjective thing.
It’s not going to matter what I do with my attitude…
Because our owners, I mean, ‘parents’, have taken ownership of us when we were born. You ever heard the expression “being born is like being kidnapped and sold into slavery.” Parents would be extremely uncomfortable and sad if their kid kills themselves. So parents try to make it impossible for the kid to kill themselves. But parents are never thinking about what is best for the kid, only what is best for themselves. I wish you could come see me and others like me who are so disabled our bodies would shock you to see. Many of us spending all day in tears and groans or just staring at nothing or doing medical procedures. And yet our parents won’t let us die. It really boils down to the issue of slavery. The stronger people do whatever they want with the weaker and the weaker can’t do a damned thing about it. One day I’m going to find a way to die. Fuck my selfish parents.