So far my day is okay. Hope all of yours is too. Hoping it stays that way. My mood likes to fluctuate whenever it sees fit so I’m just going to listen to some mellow music and maybe daydream of something nice…like walking the beach with a future soul mate or laying in the woods listening to the birds. Also, random I know, but my backyard smells awesome because I just cut the grass yesterday and I love the smell of fresh cut grass.
Hope that your day continues being okay (or maybe even gets better), the mellow music thing sounds like a winner. Wish i had some grass to cut here, if i did most likely i’d sleep on it and wake up with an allergy that lasts for weeks, but it’d be worth it haha.
Haha I’m always afraid to lay in the grass because of getting bugs in my hair. I like bugs, just not in my hair. Or up my nose.
And don’t get me started on how many I accidentally ate because they kamikazed right into my face.
Hey, bugs are a high source of nutrients, completely unadultered and with no chemical additives!, and they do kamikaze to your face, so maybe they want to feed you? who knows.
In my case bugs tend to kamikaze right into my eyes. Since i wear glasses i’m considering getting a windshield wiper installed, but i’m afraid it might look just a tiny bit weird.
Psh, if they sold glasses with windshield wipers you know I’d buy them. Screw what everyone thinks. You know how annoying it is to come in from the cold and your glasses fog up, or it’s raining gallons of water a second and your lenses get all messy. Not anymore, with the optical windshield wipers!
Lol that was corny. I need a nap @_@
Actually that sounds like a great idea (with corny line and all). If i had the intelligence/resources/geographical location i’d most certainly make a kickstarter for some glasses frame with built-in wipers. Wouldn’t even have to be intrusive ones given the current tech state of the world. Most likely they exist tho, whenever you think of an idea somebody else is done bringing it to life.
On a more practical note, you do know they make anti-fog spray for glasses? as in these: htt p://w ww. , no idea if they work, but they might come in handy. I’d sure use them often due to my “healthy” instant-noodles based diet.