To be honest, I just really want out of this life. I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take the worrying about my future. I can’t stand the fact that I’m completely ugly. I can’t stand the fact that I can never chose the right religion. I can’t stand the fact that I’m so open about how I feel with everyone in the world. I’m just so fucked up in the mind, and there’s so much that races through my head. There are just so many thoughts, and they’re crazy and weird. I’m crazy and weird. I’m stupid. I’m always fucking something up. People try to tell me things to make me feel better, but that shit doesn’t work. In the end, I still feel the same about myself. There’s nothing anyone can say that can help. It’s just how I feel. I’m a miserable fuck up and I don’t deserve to be taking up space on this planet. Life is just getting way too hard for me. Life is just becoming way too much for me. It’s all too much. Everyone will tell me that I need to go to the hospital, but you know what, I’m not going. The hospital does nothing for me! I mean is absolutely does nothing!!!!! There was one social worker that told me that some people live their lives wishing they were dead. I guess I’m one of those people. I just needed to get this off my chest. There are other things that go on in my mind, but I’d rather not talk about those things. Those things make me feel like a complete fucking creep. That’s another thing I feel like, a creep. If God exists, why would he make such a human being as me? A person tormented by their own mind!
You have unfortunately given yourself some strong judgments. You think you are ugly and creepy and weird. Maybe someone said that to you in the past and you believed it. Do not let them shape you.
Okay, no. This isn’t right. If u tell yourself these things, you’ll believe it. Religion doesn’t matter. Looks don’t matter. It’s who you are that does. And nothing is a waste of space. Not even a small brick. And especially not you. So stop feeling bad for yourself and get over it. I’m not giving you sympathy, because hi can take it. You are strong. You just have to believe it.
I know how you feel truly I am that freak that weirdo that outcast that person that could go missing and no one realize it. I don’t want to lose my believe in God but if there is a God and sins make it or break it with him then why are people like us made how? I have thoughts no person should think and my head is one of my biggest enemies. In a body were your mind never stops is a death sentences alone. I can not answer why we are here or why suicide attempts fail but what I can tell you is your not the only one that feels that way.