I don’t know if anyone else goes through this, but I don’t experience too much happiness because of the mind I have. My mind is my greatest bully. It tells me things that may or may not be. It over-analyzes things. It makes mountains out of molehills. When I’m happy, it’s ok. But when I am having a bad day, I’m really REALLY having a bad day. What do I do when I have a bad day? I think of suicide of course. My mind sets me up. It seems like it’s not mine sometimes. It’s like a voice that says…”no one cares”….or “no one will miss you”……or “you would be better to not be here anyways.” Sometimes I think of doing it to get back at the people that hurt me or keep hurting me. Make them pay, my mind says. It’s difficult when you wear emotions like sleeves and have a mind like a soap opera.
Don’t let your mind overpower you. You are such an amazing person, and I know you know this. Do stuff that keeps you happy and find your purpose in life. Create short term goals so that you can get instant satisfaction, and create long term goals that keep you motivated and driving forward in life. Don’t let your mind bully you into believing that you are worthless. You are a vital part of this world if you believe so. You are beautiful and unique. So keep your head up and smile. You can email me at Wilkerson427@live.com 🙂
I know how you feel I am alone and scared now and my mind will play tricks on me until I am so paranoid or anxiety ridden that I break down and cry or worse yell at my friends when they try to help