We have a word for forcing someone to die against their will, it’s called murder. So, why is there no word for forcing someone to live against their will? Is this not a form of psychological mind control via manipulating the language?
We have a word for forcing someone to die against their will, it’s called murder. So, why is there no word for forcing someone to live against their will? Is this not a form of psychological mind control via manipulating the language?
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I’ve also wondered this for years. There should be a law where you can sign yourself the death penalty. No harm to anybody else so I don’t see the problem. It also eliminates the need to do it yourself and risk doing it wrong.
Because people want to make themselves feel just. If they keep us, they feel better and they can use us whether that be as labor or as God’s fucked-up plan. They need to step the fuck out of our lives, realize the cruelty they’re committing. Hell my death would even benefit them.
There is a word for that, it’s called Torture. And it is infinitely worse than murder. Murder allows you to die at the end. Torture is all that murder is without the release of death. The other word for it is Enslavement. Which is when we are forced to do something we do not want to do, because someone else is in control of us.
Excellent thoughts on this thread. The idea of being able to assign ourselves to the death penalty is brilliant. Of course we are all slaves to parents and society and they will never let us out that easily. It’s like encouraging us to commit violent crimes so we can actually get the death penalty and die.
“Is this not a form of psychological mind control via manipulating the language?”
That’s an excellent way of describing it, in my opinion. And I agree with rach that “torture” is an accurate word for it — it certainly seems like some sort of torture to me. I recently realised that my method of choice has a too high risk of failure, so now I’m completely distressed and overpowered by a feeling of hopelessness. I sort of feel like I’m being held captive, for lack of a better expression (so I suppose “enslavement” would be a good word to describe it, too).
You can barely force someone to stay alive. Just think about what methods are used in psychiatries to keep patients from hurting themselves, and I dont think you are talking about this. If someone wants to commit suicide then there is little anyone can do other than changing their mind (and that’s not forcing someone to live since he would live voluntarily). Not that I would encourage anyone to suicide, in fact I prefer the opposite.
It’s not really about forcing someone to live against their will but not providing a way out for them, suicide is hard to achieve and risks brain damage or permanent injury, then there are those who are unable to do it themselves, how simple to take some pills and go to sleep, it’s fear of the damage to me caused by a botched attempt that puts me off doing it.