I drift on day to day constantly battling with my meth-addicted mother, who hasn’t let me see my little brothers in almost 10 years. I’m stuck in a relationship where I’m not loved back (or at least he really doesn’t act like it), and I have only one friend, who is gone all the time. I am lonely, I’m hurting, and I am mentally messed up with endless anxiety and I also am bipolar and have fibromayalgia. And because I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness and left, I’m pretty sure God is pissed as hell at me so I’m probably doomed to destruction whenever Armageddon comes around. On top of all that, I have demonic activity occurring in my house. I just got laid off, I don’t have enough to pay for rent and for food so I’m going hungry this month. I literally have nothing else to live for. Everything I loved is gone. I have no family, no love, no health, no money, no food, no god, and soon, no house. I guess I can keep struggling with all this shit just to make everyone else happy, because it’s apparently really selfish to end my struggle. Or I can just die. Whatever’s clever. I’m so done.
Our experiences are often far removed from what is actually happening to us.
We have more control than we imagine and are rarely so happy or sad as we imagine.. generally speaking. Still,, Im sure ur life could be really horrible. If only bc it’s perceived that way by you.
Might I ask, how old you are? You live w/ur mom or your ‘relationship.’ ?
I’m 20. I have my own apartment. My mom lives a couple hours away. My boyfriend lives an hour away.
I know you’re probably going to say something like “you need to cut people out of your life that aren’t helping you” or whatever
but I feel like i don’t deserve better.
i mean, i’m just so tired of living in such a superficial world where nothing is permanent, not friends, not family, not even myself. What’s the point in fighting the battle if i’m going to be gone in 80 years anyway?
Your words are incredibly impactful. Many 20 year old women don’t necessarily deal with this must opposition. One thing that you need to rid yourself of is the mindset that tells you that you aren’t “deserving enough” for better things; wether that’d be people, opportunities, or affection. You’re upbringing may have been unfair, I’m not making light of that, however you must understand that it’s in the past. It may be hard, the thoughts that say, “You deserve to be weak and defeated. You’re best days are behind you, just learn to live pleasing other people, after all, you don’t deserve it,” are all just embodiments of your current outlook on life–they’re lies. Take small steps to change. No one on planet earth has ever restructured their life in 24 hours–it took time.
You spoke in your passage about God, and how you feel abandoned/forsaken by Him. Everyone has their own interpretations regarding God, and how he views people that have done “wrong.” I know one thing Kristin, God isn’t holding anything against you because you decided to step away from faith. I cannot imagine God up in the heavens saying: “On this day, Kristin is going to do something that is too much for my mercy.” He doesn’t hate you for what’s happened in life. Take small steps to change. Let them be the catalyst for bigger, more significant alterations later on. If your house is suffering from demonic possession, then pray for God to remove them. If you lost your job, then apply for another one; one that you truly enjoy. Lastly, don’t try an shoulder the responsibility of making other people happy, whether that’d be your boyfriend, your mother, or your brothers. Their well-being is important to you, and I can relate with that, however happiness, is a very subjective and complex emotion. Its not formulaic in that one person’s happiness can be used to “heal” another. Take some time to mend your own wounds. Once they heal, you’ll be able to move forward in confidence. I believe in you, Kristin. I know that in time, you’ll become everything you’ve always wanted to be.
you saved my life yesterday.
Thank you.