If I was born into a noble family in the 1500’s, I would be happy. I could be a pawn to the king and get killed in battle, at least it would be lawful and acceptable. I’d be a marauder of death, wielding two claymore because shields mean you want to see tomorrow.
If I was born to a caveman 15,000 B.C.E, I would be happy. My mind would be at ease, the only thoughts it could produce would be for survival. I’d likely die before 20 due to some malicious disease, and that’s fine by me.
If I was born in 1997,May 15th, then I would be a suicide. I would be a number, I’d be a kid who never fulfilled his potential. My mind would over-think everything, and I would find solace in death. Damn, I’m less than 1% of so far’s eternity from being born in time much better than these, close but no cigar.