if youre reading this there is no point. you might as well leave. its just another worthless piece of shit whinning about their life. im actually suprised im even typing right now. i havent eaten in 2 days and i have no motivation for anything. Nothing. im actually severly annoyed that im typing right now, my bones are actually aching. they probably ache from laying in bed for the past two weeks. i only get up to shit or piss or smoke a cigeratte. although im not shiting because there is nothing in my stomache. the only reason i havent killed myself is because im afraid of what will happen when i die…..but im getting to the point where im not afraid anymore. there was a time in my life where i was full of life and passion and my friends meant everything. now i have nothing. i was thrown away lije a piece of trash by literally everyone ive ever known.
You are a part of the universe as we all are worthless or not
Yes indeed i am also worthless lay in bed not moving days on end in darkness even wrapped a scarf around my eyes so i could never see daylight.Was bliss and pain at the sametime trying to cover everything just feeding myself but whats the point theres no1 around nothing for me.Well i think about those things walking thro the fields nearly everyday all alone now but a little more active.Try a nice long walk i mean it doesnt matter where you go thro a field along a road just go for atleast 2hours will make ur head clear and think.