Life is always balanced out like a scale. Take this, if I was a billionaire, sure I could buy everything I want. But if I was a billionaire, I wouldn’t be able to walk on the street normally like everyone else. I would also have to worry about my, and my family’s protection. I would have all that I want physically, but it would be a prison emotionally. PS. This is probably what Robin Williams felt. I would rather be average.
The love of money has caused untold misery and suffering in this world.
Average is where happiness is.
Having a lot of money only most often changes your personality for the worse too, and also makes you the target from all of the wolves out there who want some of it.
I would rather be poor than be rich.
Contentment is the most important thing since obviously wealth brings no happiness – that much I know. As for the first commenter, an abundance of wealth hasn’t affected me in any way, I donate like any person, and am ever thankful for what I have. Money isn’t the reason I’m unhappy though – I see it for what it is, a means to an end, and that is all it will ever mean to me.
Robin Williams was depressed, and no amount of money in the bank or accolades would change that.
“Life is always balanced out like a scale.”
What a naive assumption.
This is the most insincere interrogatory I have seen on this site!
‘I would rather be poor’ Pul-lease!
What you mean is I’d like to have my privacy… the two things are not inseparable. In fact, you have considerably less privacy if you are poor. You have to go to the factory you work at EVERY f-ing day! You have to use communal toilets, you have to let your land-lord into your apartment, you have to tell every embarrassing thing about yourself just to get $112 a month in EBT benefits, you have to reveal your situation in the grocery store when you use your EBT card, you can’t F-ING travel! You have to wait in lines, you can’t ever rest thinking about your rent is due, your student loans, forget about retirement, you have ZERO security, either financial or physical.
People who have money live longer, kill themselves less often, have fewer nagging diseases, etcetera, etcetera.
Let’s not kid ourselves… isn’t that what this site is kind of about? Not the water-cooler at work, but a island of reality in a sea of desperation.
Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can sure make your misery more tolerable!
I think Mark Twain may have said that.
Being unable to have anything you want (more specifically, unable to afford your own life), is also a type of prison; a far worse prison than one with all the luxurious amenities.