I feel like I’m fighting for my life
And no one knows the depth of my despair
Too busy
Too uninterested
Too annoyed
I am a burden
A blight on a perfect life
Acknowledging me means they care
Caring means taking action
Neither are appealing to them
So it’s best to ignore it
Hope I’ll go away
It’s easier for them that way.
1 comment
I feel the same the end is near for me. Its just a matter of waiting for the right moment and opportunity to take myself out. I have no future. My presetnt is limited and Pain is mostly what I deal with from day to day. I have discovered some cool thigs recently some ways to take myself out for sure in a rather peaceful manner. I have done a a million things with my liife and for much of it I am proud. I have a lot of good memories to look back upon. but there is no more for me. I am hanging on buy a string in a world that has way to may problems and not enough soultutions. I see evil taking over in the news. I feel the next generation of kids growing up have very little to look forward to. Me I have had my time to do all the things that I want to do. If a few circustances would change I would hang in there and live out some more of my drreams but I dont have the means to go on with a life worth living. I will be gone soon
I cant wait until I am gone from this cruel world.