I don’t want to go back to school and be bullied even more, and yet i’m still here on this planet. What’s worse, the look on my foster families faces when they see my dead body or the daily torment of bullies?
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Is there any way we could be in contact? I’d like to be your friend. 🙂
My email is andrewholstein1@gmail.com
I’d love to talk to you 🙂
Okay ^^
Odds are, things will get better. That sooner or later the bullying will stop, that you will largely recover from the experience, and be able to live free of it. I know that doesn’t make it feel any better right now.
But if you’re trying to make a rational choice, then take into account all the years that you’ll likely live free of this torment, and all of the happiness you could find during them, if you can endure.
Thanks for the kind words. I hope it ends soon.
I’m sorry that the bullies are hurting you like this, it’s so destructive what they do to an individual, I know myself although it was 30 odd years ago now. I know how hard it is to stay in school with this going on but it will end and you will be finally free of them for the rest of your life. Please don’t do anything to harm yourself over these stupid bullies at your school, you’re worth more than that.
“What’s worse, the look on my foster families faces when they see my dead body or the daily torment of bullies?”
I don’t know, both are temporary events.
Usually the bullying stops once you complete school or change classes, and your family will eventually move on and carry on through life with the broken pieces left behind.
But to expedite the end to your bullying, which sounds more reasonable than death, I suggest reporting any incidents to teachers or school administrators and if possible, your local law enforcement. Talk to your parents for possible school transfers, schedule changes or possible restraining orders against your offenders.You do not have to tolerate bullying and there are resources at your disposal to circumvent any more incidents from occurring. There is no going far in protecting yourself.
You do not have to end your life to make the pain of bullying cease.
Take care and good luck.
Just remember the last thing the bullies want or expect you to do is to fight back. Therefore that is exactly what you should do. When I was a kid I used to think I had to do it on my own. In fact there are numerous ways of fighting back and some people have mentioned these already like telling your parents, cops, teachers, etc.
Though my personal preference is to physically deal with each bully when they’re on their own. But it’s a bit difficult to pull off…usually it helps having a friend or two to back you up. Anyways, don’t let your self become a victim, that’s what they want.
People who bully are deeply insecure and they want someone else to be the target, never themselves. If you have no one to rely on, then hit the gym, in a few months you’ll be much stronger than them.
I used to work out with a really good friend of mine-he’s 6’4″, huge dude, looked scary and I’m average height yet I was able to bench-press more than him, run farther than him, all around I was half his size but twice as strong. Size has nothing to do with it.
This one kid used to taunt me in high school, he used to be bigger/taller than me, then I actually got bigger than him. The only reason I didn’t pound the living daylights out of him was because he was well connected and his brother was a big asshole. But when I got bigger then him, you should’ve seen the look on his face, he couldn’t stop kissing my ass…I still wanted to beat the crap out of him. He’s lucky I let it slide but as long as I’m still alive there’s always the chance for payback.
Just to add to my point-I don’t recommend directly confronting your enemies-read Sun Tzu’s Art of War, about the best book ever on fighting and warfare. The main thing is to know yourself, know your enemies and then you can never lose any battle. Direct confrontation is only suggested if you are stronger, otherwise evade and find other means to defeat them.
No one is invulnerable, no matter how tough they act, how big they are, they can be taken down. Take martial arts classes as well and I can assure you that you can win.
Ill take that into consideration, i’ve tried fighting back (with my words or walking away) and it made things worse haha;
Don’t let sadistic people end your life prematurely from what I’ve read you’ve been through a lot Ava, you are a strong person for your age and I respect that you are still going at it. High School was hell for me too, I was doing time in Juvi and that was hell. We all have our own kind of hells to deal with I guess. I never understood bullies people who enjoy picking on the weak for the fun of it, as someone who was bullied and picked on a lot I understand the pain you are dealing with. Hey at least your situation aint as bad as mine and you are facing Federal life in prison because I pissed the wrong people off. It could always be worse. Let the last part of your screen name be true. Let your love of life get you through the dark times. Those bullies are nothing and when you are successful in life you will get the last laugh.