I want it to end, I want to feel relief. Its funny who one sweet word from that someone can make us feel alive again , and who easily they can take it from us. I can’t take my own life, even if I wanted it so bad.. I’m religious , I’m afraid from God.. from hell, but also.. I’m afraid to die before I have my first kiss, my first romantic hug, before I know how it feel to be the special person to someone else! I’m not a teenager, I’m a woman in my late 20’s.. I tried to take my life in the past two or three times but I chickened… tomorrow is another die or day.. well many people have prayed to God to have chance to live another day and they didn’t get that chance, so even I’m sad, depressed, hopeless, I believe every day is gift from God
Looks like Elizabeth in that picture, but…geez someone seriously zero-darked her face. Poor thing…
I’m still waiting on my first deployment, which is never going to happen but damned if I didn’t spend my whole life training for it! You on the other hand, have a far greater chance of achieving each of your firsts — the question is not if you can wait for them, but rather *will* you wait for them? It’s an all too obvious truth that we’re stuck waiting for everything to happen, and even if we ourselves make progression in the meantime, it still feels like forever.
I highly doubt I’ll ever feel that truly romantic touch from a woman ever again, but I hold my memories of the times that I did very close to my heart. I hope that fate will afford you that same feeling from a man to you in the many days, months and years ahead. It doesn’t matter who gifted what — it’s how you use it which will determine whether it was worth giving or not.
Peace be with you, fellow lone wanderer.
You believe every day is a gift from god but you want to kill yourself? You must be suffering from a lot of cognitive dissonance. I don’t know you, but I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be able to find a good relationship as long as you are willing to put yourself out there.