My boyfriend fell out with me for no reason so i did the typical girlfriend thing and tried to be cute and annoying to get him to talk to me. It ended in him constantly pushing and kicking me.. so i pushed him back with my foot and then he full scale punched me in the back.. it’s only been 2 months.. what have i done?
Get rid of him. I’m not kidding. Get rid of him. You don’t want it to suddenly be eight years later and you’re completely unable to get the loser out of your life.
It doesn’t sound like anything you did deserves him reacting violently.
If things between you and him are meant to happen they will, don’t try to force it though because it sounds like he needs to make you go for him in order to want to be a part of the relationship again, so the more you push it the less likely that will be to happen.
Yeah physical violence, or psychological violence, just get rid of him. I dated a guy with an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), a mistake. Go now.
If today you try to get back this rogue any which way bearing all his abuses, then I can assure you one thing, that you’d become his favourite punching bag very soon, he’d simply love to chance upon anytime he feels like. I’d like to believe that you are a person with a certain degree of self-esteem that you are proud of. They why let somebody maul it like that! Just put your foot down and tell him to go away and never come back. I can assure you that he will come back again to you after sometime, pleading, after getting some slap from others, who won’t take those shit lying down. Please then don’t accept him with open arms right away. Make him suffer somewhat at least, since he made you suffer so much. And if you get along with someone else in the meantime then just try to forget him like a bad dream! Good luck!