Its going on two years. Living with chronic pain. I
Tired to commit suicide. By over dos an cutting my wrist. But. I ended in a mental hospital for a few weeks. Im 25. I have a spine injury, kidney problems ulcer from being on pain meds. An just had an organ removed. I just found out I have a mass on my ovaries. I truly just want to die. Feel no more pain. My boyfriend of 6 years left me because I cant be sexual. The only person that matters to me passed. I told my doctors after two years of waiting for surgery. .if it dosent come I will end up shooting myself in the head. Pain is taken over my life..I cant live like this anymore.
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I suggest poppy seed tea. Order a 5 lb bag of poppy seeds off amazon about 30 bucls and get a milk jug fill with warm water add seeds and a good splash of lemon juice. Shake for 10 minutes and then strain with coffee filter. Poppy seeds have resuide from the inside of the poppy plant most of this being morphine and codiene. Plus 20+ other opiates. 30 dollar suicide here I come. Tastes like shit the stronger the taste the more morphine. Mix this half and half with citrus soda pop a couple allergy pills and teylonal which both up the effects. One glass will have you nodding off. Mix well it settles to the bottom. More than that and you pass out. Do a good amount and it’ll kill you for sure not a bad way to go. Should be yellowish color. This is addictive BTW .. Its the acetaminophen in the pain meds that kills your liver. They put fucking posion in the pain meds. Tylonal is acetaminophen. It potentiates the effects ie makes it stronger same with antihystimes. You dont need the aceto just makes it go farther Just do the straight opiates and anything short of leathal does youll be find. Work 4-8 hours. 1 8oz glass. Like popping 2-3 norco 10mg