Here’s an article about the positive effects of negative emotions. I think it’s good to remember that no matter how bad you feel, the feeling was designed to help you fix or compensate for whatever is troubling you. Killing yourself is not the solution…
Thanks for posting this!
It’s true, depression is suppose to act as a self awareness tool warning you that something is wrong and needs to be changed. Alot of people recognize this and change that factor that is making them depressed.. but sometimes.. in my case.. we don’t recognize the real problem.. thus making the depression worst.. or like the drug addict I was.. deny that the problem is weed, or the negative friends.. or the shitty job I was working was the real problems and just blame god for the non sense we are facing.. and just kept building more problems and more problems causing more breakdowns.. now I am old.. tired.. and just want to die.. because now I recognize what the problems were.. and it’s too late to change them.. and so another depression occurs.. endless cycle..
where is the ocean?, oh good.. just gonna take this bag of molly, pop 30 of them and go float in that ocean and see what happens..