So if you read my last post then you might know that I’ve been depressed since around seventh grade. So around that time (or maybe eighth grade, I don’t remember) I stumbled across this site and made an account. So, yes, this is my second account. I’m certain I made a few posts on here (or maybe one post) on that account, and I have this strange longing to find them or it and read it all. I know, it’s nearly impossible with the amount of posts, plus I don’t know my previous username, or what the post was even called. I know what you’re probably thinking-this is just some dumb post. And it is, I’m not gunna lie. This post is dumb, along with the one that I wrote before. I just feel that by reading how I felt back then will make me realize how stupid it is. Back then I had practically gone through nothing and I thought it was rock bottom. Now I’ve been through so much more and it could be so much worse and I feel like I’ve hit rock bottom again. I’m not sure really how to explain it. I just feel that It’ll make me have some sort of epiphany. Stupid, right? Whatever. I’ll keep searching.
It’s not stupid.
It might help you figure things out a tiny bit, maybe.
At any case it won’t really cause any harm.
If you try and remember the username or at least part of it, it will make searching easier.
If you can recall keywords or phrases you might have said, you can also use Google to help out if you find searching via the site’s search function is not finding you what you are seeking. Just make sure part of the search entry is for Suicide Project as well.
Good luck.