I’m a writer working on a piece of fiction with the main character struggling with suicidal thoughts. I want this story to feel real, to connect with those who struggle/have struggled with suicide as well as those on the outside looking in. I’m looking for stories and feelings, the details that make it real. Please post in the comments or email them to me at aj@merlynsquill.com All emails will remain anonymous.
Maybe i would help but that’s too vague. Stories and feelings would span too many years and involve too many examples and triggers and events both minor and major, I wouldn’t know where to start. Generalities for what people are feeling both during the act, during attempts and from years of triggers can be searched for on google probably. If your looking for more realistic thoughts and stories you probably have to be more specific, ie, stories of actual attemps, acts, thoughs during, before after, summary of thoughts/stories that led up to, followed, and so on.
That is pretty vague. So I guess the vague answer is, NOBODY wants to kill themselves. But sometimes you hurt so bad, life just takes such a brutal shit right on your face, its torture. And by the end, tortured people who would rather live, beg to die. Thats what its like.
i still find something really wrong with this post. this is real life here. Not a fuckin piece of fiction; coming here and asking suicidal people to lend reality to your story feels like a troll. Like you’re using people’s real pain and quantifying it like they’re lab rats. Not fucking cool.