1The police take photographs of the body and face. During autopsy as well. Is there some way to prevent this? Do they destroy the photos after a set time? I’m not comfortable with the idea of being photographed while dead
1The police take photographs of the body and face. During autopsy as well. Is there some way to prevent this? Do they destroy the photos after a set time? I’m not comfortable with the idea of being photographed while dead
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If anything makes you uncomfortable about death, then you’re probably not ready to die yet. If being photographed after you are dead bothers you, then staying alive is your best option to avoid all that unnecessary stress.
Btw, the police will only investigate your death if they suspect foul play. If they think suicide from the start, they will just turn over your remains to the coroner’s office. And they will perform an autopsy to confirm that suicide was the manner of death. And I guarantee that they will be taking pictures as they slice you open.
by your logic, anybody who ever left a legal will was not ready to die because: why should they care what happens after they die?
…what it means is that i value my dignity more than you value yours. just like how somebody who leaves a will must ascribe a higher value to such things than you do.
Because a will affects those they care about presumably for the better, how your corpse is photographed will affect no one, including yourself.
if you don’t want your face to be documented use a firearm to blow off your head.
Thats is so classy ackerman
suicide in general is never classy, not even if you poison yourself wearing a suit and tie.
Well alice imagines if you poison yourself in a suite and tie that would have made you classy, or pretentious none the least
Actually alice thinks thats called dieing prepared, see if you die in a suite and tie youve down half the work for the funeral preparer and saved your family the money it would cost to get the suite in the first place, alice thinks thats smart thinking right there
Morris thinks Alice should change his name to Ackerman’s Lapdog.
Morris also fnds it odd that Alice shows up right after Lifeless Anatomy leaves, and that both users misspell werdz in pretty much every sentence that they type. Alice and LA also follow Ackerman around, like an obsequious, loyal puppy desperate for his master’s approval.
Morris wonders if Alice & LA are actually the same person?
Alice is wondering if morris has a life outside of SP, alice thinks its strange that morris follows alice, LA and ackerman around, alice is beginning to wonder if they are not all the same person! btw alice wonders if you have some beer or whores to bury yourself into to forget your pathetic life for a moment.
it’s true morris, your impeccable timing is an indicator of your obvious constant vigilance over SP, which to be honest, is really sad. Do you have anything better to do than monitor a suicide website? if not, then I suggest you actually do, you’ve already wasted half your life no point in wasting the other half.
Your beginning to sound obsessed morris,is it really true that you have nothing better to do? are you trying to play detective, in attempts to give your life some sort of meaning, its ironic how you talk about people following others around, but thats almost what you do too, you drop a comment here and there but the only time your heavily active is if your talking and making fun of the three people you mentioned above, it seems like you are the one following us around, we begin conversations and your pathetic loneliness drives you to come join us, but instead of admitting your lonely over time you will become hostile and begin to try and hurt other people, is it because your afraid your daddy was right when he said you werent man enough? and no i am no ones lap dog, on the rare times i am on here i prefer to talk to ackerman because she is the only one here worth talking to. why do you do it? lapdog
Believe it or not, the highway is shut down right now due to an accident. There was a blizzard here in the early morning hours so I’m stuck waiting for the interstate to re-open.
I decided to check SP, and lo and behold, there’s Ackerman and her lap dog hijacking another post. 🙂
Bye kidz.
you’re the one that deviated the conversation to alice’s identity rather than the point of the post. Hypocrisy seems to be your style, keep rolling with it.
Thats a likely excuse, and if i said hey i work third shift and just woke up and checked online and found no other posts to comment on because they were shitty and lame, and this one seem atleast worth a feeble effort you wouldnt believe me, time to face reality morris, your pathetic pond scum and are guilty of exactly what you accuse me of, stop projecting
Morris is obsessed with the idea that i am alice, another peice of shit propagated that rumor and now morris is hell bent on making it stick, morris is literally the one stalking us just to spread that shit because he wants it to be true, he is so narcissistic he cant even fathom that yet another person on here was capable of seeing that he was a wasted human being, long story short hes in denial
RE: Because a will affects those they care about presumably for the better, how your corpse is photographed will affect no one, including yourself.
so why doesn’t it affect yourself? if you were photographed compromisingly while alive, it would matter to you. but it doesn’t if you’re be dead? that is sollipsistic. the world doesn’t end with your death. by that logic, it won’t matter whether you leave a will or not because you won’t be around to see it carried out.
it really can’t be that difficult to accept that people value some things more than you value them.
your subjective world does end with your death, and life exists through subjectivity
in that case, you must also think that there is no point leaving a will. in fact, you might as well rig a fucking bomb to explode in a nursing home after you’ve died, because it doesn’t matter, right? prat
Alice doesnt delete photos of her victims after she takes a picture, so alice isnt sure if the police do either, alice imagines they would keep it as part of the case file though
Actually alice is certain they keep the photos in a case file, because you can look up pictures of serial killers and find photos of there victims
What the heck? ._.
Anyways, yeah, sometimes I wonder how people will reaxt to my death after I die or do with the stuff I leave behind but then I try to convince myself that it doesn’t matter, I’ll be dead, ans hopefully not in the sense I’d have anything to do with them if I was a ghost either…
Sigh… I want to float away…