I am scared of living. When I take what I hope is the final step I can only count on it working out. I can’t leave my loyal dog behind. My “Family” (those who I live with) have threatened to give him away to a shelter several times. My dog is more like family to be then most of them ever were. (With the exception of my brother) I am 16 and I didn’t have money of my own to get my dog to get put to sleep up until Christmas. My brother and I’s money combined is just enough to do this. I love my dog so much and I am not doing this until the very last second. (I would prefer to pass the same day my dog does) I will hold him during those times and be there for him. Then the after part is a problem in itself. Burying him in the yard would be ideal but I just know my father would rather throw his body away literally. I just KNOW he will suggest this because he did this in the past. That is disgusting, disturbing, and so wrong to me. If he did allow him to be buried on the property I know that he would put my dog in a trash bag and bury him which also makes me uncomfortable. My dog is not trash. Cremation services cost 2x as much as the euthanasia. So that’s out of the question. And there is a thing that is called a “group cremation” with several other animals and that also is pricey but I wouldn’t even want to do that. So I would ideally like to be buried with him. And or cremated with him. Is that even possible? Would a cemetery allow a dog to be buried with me?
Why not keep the dog and use the money to make him less of a hassel to your family? I remember a pro wrestler perry staurn. He talked about being saved by his dog. Because she was his only family he had living on the streets. And no one would take her. Its on youtube shoot interview. Id say keep your friend and your life.
Iam sorry for your sadness and your suffering.i used to love a dog too but she is in heaven now.
if in the suicide note you writes that you wants to bury yourself with him , then maybe your dog will able to get buried with you. But I suggests that you first try to live as longer as you can if you have some hope and strength remaining.
May you and your dog gets what you both wants!
why the fuck would you kill your dog rather than give him to a shelter where he has the chance of getting adopted to a better home? that’s cruel and disgusting to put your selfish desires over the life of what you claim as part of your “family”. Jesus, I can’t believe how selfish and ridiculous that is, You’re 16, you probably don’t even have the means to commit suicide – believe me, I was 16 once, so unless you have 100% access to a gun and 100% resolve to kill yourself for god’s sake don’t kill an innocent dog.
Easy there. Remember he is only 16 and also depressed. Hardly thinking straight. Cut him some slack. I’m sure he’ll realize that his plan is not very well thought out.
I understand you’re depressed and suicidal, so most likely not thinking straight. A lot of us here are also like that. But at 16 you also lack life experience.
First of all, I can appreciate your love for your dog. I had a dog once and many times I felt like he was my only true friend. When he died I was devastated. Even after all these years, I still cry about him at times. He was that special to me.
But, if you love your dog as much as you say, why kill him? If you don’t think your family will not take care of him, then take him to a no-kill shelter and hopefully someone else will adopt him.
Second, killing yourself is much harder than you realize right now. Especially for a teenager. Before you try anything, please read up on the statistics. Teen suicide attempts are very rarely successful. Probably 1 in 50.
Most end up in the hospital with injuries and illnesses related to the attempt. I understand that you want to do it. A lot of us here feel the same. But actually doing it is a whole other ballgame.
Third, I sincerely doubt that a reputable cemetery will burry humans and pets together. That is something people might do on their own property.
Before you make any decisions or try anything, please do some research on the dangers first. It is definitely worth it.
(I don’t know how to reply to comments) Thank you to all who attempted to answer my questions. Thank you for the advice. I don’t *want* my dog to die. If he leaves this house he has to or he will suffer. He has brain problems that make him extremely fearful for no reason and extremely attached to his people. Leaving him at a shelter would be abandoning him and he would definitely be put to sleep he’s not adoptable material. If he’s going to be put to sleep either way isn’t it better that he’s around the person that he runs to when he’s scared? I’m only “killing” him if I leave this world without him. And again, he would be put to sleep anyways but in a stressful unfamiliar environment. His spirit, heart, and soul would be broken there. I’m looking for the best interest of my dog unlike everyone else in my family.
Maybe for now consider living for your dog. He loves you and it seems that he really needs you, as you need him
i understand a dog being like a best friend but wouldnt your brother be around to take care of and watch after him?
This is the line of thinking that causes people to commit murder-suicides.
The only good choice is to stay and take care of him. I’m sorry.
I understand, though – when my (supposedly) beloved cat was 1000 miles away with a friend who couldn’t keep her permanently, and I was completely shut down and didn’t want any attachments to this world, I prayed for God to take her. Whether you believe in God or not, it was probably the most shameful thing I’ve ever done in recent memory. She was all I had, and I was willing to toss her away for my own selfishness.
Good news is, my friend eventually flew her out to me, and we’re together again. I may choose to leave her again, but she’ll be cared for. It’s still a shameful thing.