I’m about to kill myself. I have a loaded rifle next to me and drinking. I’m kinda scared of the pain and if I don’t succeed. But at the same time I wanna go to a better place. Maybe if I drink more it will take away the fear
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Whatever you decide to do, just know my thoughts are with you.
Really sad to know another human being has to feel like this.
Trapped to the point they feel death is the only way out.
So sorry you feel this way. Pls dont feel alone, because ur not.
Im here if you ever want to talk.
Well I’m gettin tired so I’m gunna wait till tomorrow night when I’m really drunk. It’s something I have to do. I can’t live life like this anymore
don’t do this today. not today. wait till tomorrow, watch some movies. rifle is a bad idea. you can find better ways later. i know a guy shoot pistol to his head and lived 5 minutes and his mother did saw him.
Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much? It might make your accuracy or whatever a bit off and then you could mess it up. Just a thought.
I hope your journey into the Beyond goes well. Peace be with you, my friend.
That scares me alot about the accuracy. I know I can place the barrel in the right position but it’s the back fire that scares me. I’m waiting till tomorrow I’m to tired and I’ll have a full bottle then
Maybe a different gun then? If you don’t do it for whatever reason that’s completely fine, you can come back here anytime.
don’t do anything while your drunk, I tried to kill my self when I was drunk once and I failed because my body didn’t go in enough shock, because of how intoxicated I was. if your drunk you might not get the outcome you want.
if you need to talk to me please feel free, I am surprisingly understanding
Me too won’t be succeed. Me too in passion to go away.
Get some rest and think it all over when you wake up hun.
Your not alone in this, its hard, but just remember you are not alone.
Keep us posted!
The worst possible combo alcohol and a rifle.
It won’t work and you’ll wish so much you didn’t attempt it. Go to bed. We’ll talk tomorrow <3