everyone around me is leaving me behind. Friends getting married and graduating college. Meanwhile im struggling to find who i am which is fucking stupid because im 24 i should fucking know. I dont belong anywhere im just lost. Im generally a good person help people out when i can. Im even a fucking vegan. That should count for somenthing rigth? Nope the universe hates me. Everytime i choose a path it seems to be the wrong one. Crummy relationships , unsuitable career, even my hair is bad.i know there is people with bigger problems but Im tired of always failing im done trying i just want to fall alseep and not wake up
I’m 47, I’ll GLADLY swap with you!! ????????????
What’s wrong with not knowing who you are at 24? I had no idea then…I still have no idea at 29…my parents and older friends (50+ years old) and they still have no idea! Although this may not help, I like to think that not knowing who you are means you get to try alsorts of different avenues. Concentrate on what you enjoy and build from there, perhaps there are new experiences you could try or somewhere new to visit (day trips etc.)? Maybe a new experience could open a door to a job/career you’d maybe not think of.
Some guy once said “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm!”..that’s currently keeping me ticking…just lol
I’m 30 and I’m only just figuring it out. Maybe you just weren’t meant to walk any kind of golden path. Nothing wrong with that.