Here is a definition I found on the internet:
A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is mental or behavioral pattern that causes either suffering or a poor ability to function in ordinary life. Many disorders are described.[1] Conditions that are excluded include social norms. Signs and symptoms depend on the specific disorder.[1]
The causes of mental disorders are often unclear. Theories may incorporate findings from a range of fields. Mental disorders are usually defined by a combination of how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives.[1] This may be associated with particular regions or functions of the brain, often in a social context
I thought I’d strip this mental illness concept down to it’s “core”, rather than looking at all the types and subtypes, variations and nuances and I’m aware that there are many and there are COURSES of study, professions, policies etc devoted to the various forms of mental illness. I know people suffer in various ways and can (thanks to precedent) make legitimate claims about their illness and it’s symptoms and I’ve no doubt people suffer as I have suffered.
But is it really as complicated as that? Sometimes and most often the most obvious answer to a problem or question is best. I believe that the true origins of MENTAL disorder are physical first and foremost, located right in the center of your chin as it would happen. There we find the MENTALIS muscles which provide innervation to the rectus abdominis muscles or ABs’ as they are more widely known.
The rectus abdominis is an important postural muscle. It is responsible for flexing the lumbar spine, as when doing a so-called “crunch” sit up. The rib cage is brought up to where the pelvis is when the pelvis is fixed, or the pelvis can be brought towards the rib cage (posterior pelvic tilt) when the rib cage is fixed, such as in a leg-hip raise. The two can also be brought together simultaneously when neither is fixed in space.
The rectus abdominis assists with breathing and plays an important role in respiration when forcefully exhaling, as seen after exercise as well as in conditions where exhalation is difficult such as emphysema. It also helps in keeping the internal organs intact and in creating intra-abdominal pressure, such as when exercising or lifting heavy weights, during forceful defecation or parturition (childbirth).
Fairly important muscles then, what is of note is that these muscles are paired muscles, there are two running in parallel and so it is possible to create imbALAnce by improper use. The reason I just highlighted the ALA in imbalance is because like the word mentalis the word ALA is from latin, it means wings, now we are all aware of the two wings of politics, right and left, well here is a concept for your consideration, perhaps where we find this ALA in words as only AL as in “MENTAL” or as LA as in the word “lament” (a passionate expression of grief of sorrow) what we are seeing is an ALlusion to the fact that 70-95% of the earths population is right handed and probably suffer to some degree a physical imBAlance. Some are even unfortunate enough to be categorized as LAme.
mental illness is bullshit. fuckin fantasies created for money. the problem isnt the symptoms. its the soul thats aching and manifesting these mental anomalies.
I agree, let me add that the latin (I know I’m obsessed) for “health” is SANUS, latin for without is SANS, the difference between these two words (not that i claim them to be antonyms) is YOU.
fucking S – ANUS. And let me put down on this website once more for those that might not be aware “OS” is latin for mouth, perhaps a link between this word and the word “soul” can be made upon consideration of the shAPE of the characters which make up these words.
isj032, I read every comment you make because you keep playing with words and Latin. I used to do that too, just not that… obsessively :b
You’re interesting.
Just trying to offer something different, food for thought if you like, although I still think about suicide (quite often actually) I have for sometime now been acting upon my decision to abandon my despair and all those destructive tendencies and instead distract myself by asking why and how, both of myself and this world I AM part of.
So, get on with it in ignorance and bliss until your bliss is taken away (my first mistake, or as it was, the first time a miss tried to take me ha) or a mIRAcle occurs, or understand the miracle ( IRA – latin for rage and anagram of air and “cle” is french for key, as in testicle or clavicle) and “do it yourself” as I have chosen to do.
You think Hitler called his rockets the V1 and his special forces the SS for arbitrary reasons?
I am flattered that you read everything I write, I will continue to write crAZy shit and hope that people continue to read it.
Connection between the words interesting, and the intercostals… why is a collection of beehives called an Apiary?
Pronounce and spell phonetically the word coccyx, what is SO sacred about the sacrum?
My uncle once told me, “it’s either fucking or it’s territory”. Simple as that.
I know, it’s very interesting. The connection between words makes even more sense in my first language though (Portuguese).
And because it comes from apis (bee/abelha), that’s why. Yes, I googled that. But deep, deep, really deep down my head I already knew the answer.
I don’t even know what I just read, but I can say that loose associations are confusing, confounding, and confuting. Words are weird and wormy.