It always messes me up. Where is everyone gone? I feel I don’t know anyone, I look at them but there’s nothing, nothing at all. I don’t remember them yet I do, there are memories but no connections??? Idk this is hard to explain. I remember the day it started, it was a strange feeling of becoming infinitely lost in what was once so familiar.
I call it numb when I feel like that. It’s like you’re completely removed and watching through a camera or something.
I get derealisation… I actually posted someone on it a little bit ago. It’s not as bad as it was… but I could relapse.
Yeah I have it constantly. I hope you don’t relapse, that’s always terrible though I guess if you overcame it before you can do it again
Holy shit, I didn’t even realize that derealisation was an actual “thing”. I just googled it…it explains so much. Thanks alonelybird for putting a word to the fuckedupness. 🙂
Ha yeah I hate it, it greatly inhibits my whole life