I’ve been down for too long. I want to meet new friends, do new things. I’m tired of feeling sad. I want to live, I know there’s more to life, I just need someone to show me. I need new friends that will motivate me, who will encourage me and friends that will look out for me. All I need is a listening ear.
People listen here, but motivation to do things has to come from yourself. We can’t make you chop wood or carry water but we can cheer you when you do.
Thank you.
Its good to desire friends. Good friends are like Gold. Try to make friends with people who are happy, productive, kind, positive, generous an understanding. Those are good qualities to look for.
Also Id like to encourage you to take up reading if you can. Many Years ago I became an Avid reader and man did it make my life better. There are so many good books out there that are good motivators and have a lot of good advice and knowledge that is very helpful for everyday life. and the more you are able to help yourself the better your life will be. Also what is good about being an avid reader is that you can constantly learn about new things and when you have that… you can apply it to your life and you have more to talk about. And being an informed person who can make good conversation makes you the kind of person others want to get to know.
And its good to remember to find good friends it helps to BE a good friend.
I know you have a lot to offer as a friend so youll do good to find new friends.
You sound very motivated and enthusiastic those are good qualities.
If you want an email friend my email is my username @yahoo
Thank you. I will take notes on what you said. I do understand that if I want great friends, I have to be one as well.
Friends are wonderful, almost necessary. But you hit the nail with ‘someone to show me’. It’s great to have people around to look out for your and motivate you, but it’s also great to be able to find more in life by yourself – when you can… Just because it can be hard to rely on people too much.
I’ll be a dutiful listening ear. Many people here will be. Hopefully you find some motivation and talking to people will lift your sadness. 🙂
Thank you. I hope I do.
There are many people who are there to listen to you but only few can truly understand what you wanted to tell. Iv been there not long ago so i understand how you feel. If you ever need someone to listen to your problems … I will be glad to do it anytime 🙂
Thank you.