If life is typified by the apple, then at its core festers a great rot that eats it from within. A rot that has been ignored far too long.
I will create a world that is filled with kind people, even if it means I have to be the only monster left.
I do not care whether you are man or woman. I do not care what the colour of your skin is. I do not care what your beliefs are. The instant you step on the life of another, the moment you take advantage of another human being, much less bring them to the brink of suicide, you will be punished. The spouse that fabricates stories in court to bring their other to ruin, the drunkard that abuses their children, the officer that beats a man for jaywalking, warmongers, dictators, religious radicals, and every shade of filth in between. All of them will die.
Another day, another life ruined. Someone has to put a stop to it. Because where can you turn when even the so called justice system cannot help you? Speaking with someone does not solve the problem. This site alone is evidence of this. Quite a few who have posted here have already taken their lives because no one is REALLY willing to help them.
I already have an idea as to how to make this happen. It is only a matter of time.
O, how the world will tremble when my judgment arrives. And the once afflicted, thence relieved by my retribution, will sing from their hearts to the sky as the world is cleansed.
The vermin reading this know who they are. And yes, you will be eliminated.
It’s this from death note? 😛
Boku wa shin sekai no kami da!
sugoi desu 😀
Oh people who watch anime I love meeting you guys
Hahaha. Damn, you caught on already. I do so wish someone, and a way like that existed, though.
The idea it’s nice but i can’t imagine someone using in the right way the ‘death note’ 😛
Back in the day, i think that’s why it was so popular, everybody wanted a little black book that killed people, lol. Yagami was such a cool villain in the first part of that anime, regular, bratty guy, that get’s infatuated with power.
And of course, every guy wanted his own Misa-Misa, haha 😀
Light was cool, and then he killed Naomi Misora -_-
My guess is that if Light stayed alive at the end of death note, he would have ended up killing every human being on the planet, including him, lol.
Yeah, you can bet on that! 😛
I know nothing of Death Note, however I was told that Lelouch from Code Geass is very similar to Light from Death Note, and Lelouch was so OP in Code Geass. Idk maybe I’ll watch Death Note..
I personally think that death note it’s better than code geass (tho i only have watch some series from code geass)
Death Note is great, at least the first part (season?) of it, up until ep 25 i think?, which could be contained in itself anyways. Second part the writing got a bit sloppier, but it’s still good. Guess i’ll give a code geass a look, since i’ve heard that comparison before (Light-Lelouch).
They are similar, but lelouch is smarter i think
Code Geass is awesome! and yeah, I heard that Lelouch is smarter that Light..
But still he has a really goofy name. Lelouch :’D
I love you guys there’s like no anime fans in my area
Yeah, i’m happy that i found some anime fans here 🙂
The anime fan clubs are really small here…. But I’ve watched a decent amount of anime: Attack on Titan, Code Geass, Gurren Lagan, SAO, One Piece (hopefully I can find my place in the anime or be forced to start over from ep 1), Kuruko no Basket (just finished that one a few days ago), Dragon Ball Z ( I should probably relive Dragon Ball also tbh), the .hack (dot hack) series. A bunch of stuff..
Attack on titan is the best anime ever!
What are .hack series, i’ve seen them in an anime site but i’ve never watched theme.
Go watch one piece from episode one. NOW. Haha. It is worth watching, even the filler they use at times is hilarious and well paced. The only Arc i didn’t like that much was the Water 7 Arc (220-250), but it picks up after that. Even my ex gf liked it (and she watched mostly shoujo stuff). You could always look for the One Pace episodes, which are fan edits that summarize several episodes in one. I can literally say that One Piece and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure are the reason i’m still alive (got me through the worst of times).
.Hack? played the games, pretty good story. Never watched the anime, but if it follows the same story it must be really good.
@Darvin: have you watched the attack on titan live action movie? i have it sitting on my hd… and i just don’t know if i want to take that gamble, lol.
No, i haven’t. I’m sure that i’m not going to like it.
Btw is one piece really that good??? I’ve never watched.
One piece is…mmm… i’d say polarizing. Some people love it and some people hate it, but it’s actually a pretty “by the numbers” shonen, not too different than dragon ball z. The thing is that the characters are pretty good and diverse, so they kinda make that anime standout. The story is often pretty good too, and it hits a balance of action/comedy/drama that just works (or not, if you don’t like shonen). I’d say that if you want to, give it a try (but it’s likely that you won’t like luffy at the beggining, so watch more than just a couple eps). It’s a lot more childish than attack on titan tho, you kinda have to like anime that doesn’t take itself so seriously in order to like One Piece. Another thing that turns off people are the movies, those are crap.
If it’s any reference, i usually watch 6-10 eps to “evaluate” if i’ll like something. Watched 8 eps of bleach, never watched again. Watched 9 eps of naruto, ep 6 made me cry, by ep 9 i realized i was going to get bored with it. One Piece? watched the 2 first eps and didn’t like Luffy, but watched a couple more. A couple of months later i was at ep 580, had a one piece t-shirt, small figurines of all the mains (and a big one of sanji, i just love that idiot), the ps3 game, and some other related stuff that cost me an arm and a leg, lol.
Really?! Naruto is really good (except for ‘sasuke this and sasuke that’ thing) the characters are really well develop, the plot is awesome, the fighting is really good and it does make you feel sad some times. 😛
What i didn’t like about naruto was the fact that i could see right away were the plot was going and that threw my interest off. I remember they did introduce a couple of characters in those 10-something episodes i watched and it was pretty easy to see where they were going to go with them. Having friends that said they hated all the filler and the pacing didn’t make me want to give another try later either, lol. I did play several of the games and noticed that most of my predictions were true, haha.
One Piece is some epic shit! But I can’t watch it subbed… sigh. It’s sad but it’s one of those animes (like DBZ) that I refuse to watch subbed. Anyways, I guess I will restart one piece if anything. haha. I liked .hack, it’s just that I haven’t played the games, and also, you have to be patient with it… It’s a figure it out as it goes along type of anime. Doesn’t give much information. and because I haven’t played the games or read the manga I feel that I don’t completely get the whole story… anyways, check out one piece and .hack.
i will definitely check them out