Sorry, don’t really get the reference. I know it’s from a tv show but I don’t watch a lot of tv plus it’s an older show so I’m not really familiar with it.
Don’t worry, no way you would remember it. I believe you’re 19? “Welcome Back, Kotter” was a cheesy sitcom from back in the 1970s, about a teacher in an inner city high school. (It quite possibly launched the career of John Travolta.)
What do you mean? Professional counseling or here? Cause this place exists to offer suicidal people free help when they need it and I’m confident most, if not all here, have good motives and intentions.
You were still searching for life, hope and a reason to go on, that’s why you came here. And it seems this place gave that to you here.
So you would rather be dead right now? I think that comes through quite clear. You regret that this place helped keep you alive?
What did you expect from a place for suicide help — that is supposed to encoirage life? I don’t know what else to say.
I mean asking my family and seeking out professional help. I mean this place is nice, but I don’t feel like it will genuinely help me get better, it’s just kind of brief comfort for me to be able to share. I didn’t mean here, sorry I was unclear. I meant basically outing myself about being depressed to those I know and speaking with a doctor. To be honest, I’d rather be dead than to have asked for help, because it went very badly as things in my life frequently do.
I’m sorry you didn’t find whatever help you received helpful… but if it was from this site, I agree with October _rain. This is a suicide prevention website, and all we want to do it help you not to just survive… but to live!!
I begged my parents to take me too see a doctor to get on antidepressants and to get me in counseling. My dad finally agreed to take me to the doctor. I asked him specifically not to be in the room when I spoke to the doctor about it and he still went in with me. When the doctor walked in the very first thing he said to me was “Oh, you don’t even want to be here.” which upset me because 1. that’s so unprofessional 2. I had been begging for help. Then a few moments later they were reviewing my medical history and he asked me if I had a substance abuse problem and I replied no. Then he said “Are you sure you don’t do drugs, yes or no?” So I said “No, I don’t do drugs.” To which he responded “Are you sure?” And I said no, which was just rude. Then he told my dad to write him on a piece of paper all the things there were “wrong” with me. The doctor asked questions, but he didn’t ask them to me, he asked them to my father. They continued talking about me as if I wasn’t in the room. Then my dad told him about me cutting and told me to show the doctor my arm and I said no I didn’t feel comfortable doing that. So the doctor full on grabbed my arm and tried to yank my sleeve down so I pulled away. After that, he told my dad I couldn’t be trusted, that there was something severely wrong with me and he should watch me and see if I need to be put in a mental hospital. All without ever even speaking to me. Since then, my dad has treated me like shit because he looks down on mental illness. So the other day I had an issue with my car and I told him about it and he told me I was lying because I was crazy. I also got a prescription for Lexapro which he will not let me have because says I can’t be trusted to take it properly. He basically treats me like I’m an ex-con crossed with a child who can’t take care of themselves. Ever since telling my parents they will not speak to me as a person all they will talk about is me being depressed and how it will make me a bad person. I have hidden it since I was 11 and I wish that I had said nothing and just killed myself instead.
chelle… I’m a pacifist, but if I saw a doctor treat you this way I’d punch him. That is NOT OK. JFC, that is evil. Oh God I’m sick to my stomach.
Your Dad is being abusive and manipulative and passive aggressive. Well, no shit, you know that. Agh! I’m not being much help.
I’m so sorry you are having to deal with massive stupidity on top of everything else. I would lift you up if I could… you are so much better than them.
Don’t know if it would help much to punch him, but it would sure be tempting. How do people like that even get to be doctors?
I wish you could get to some kind of financial position where you could get out on your own. I can’t help but think this would have gone much better if you could have gone in alone to talk to the doctor AND if you had found a doctor that was worth a damn who would listen to you in a nonjudgmental way.
And you dad not letting you have the Lexapro – I don’t want to talk badly about your dad, but that’s just down right incredible. SeeSmith is right there.
I wish that I could move too, I have 2 job interviews tomorrow so hopefully that works out. I told my dad that I would never go back to that doctor again. My dad is upset with me though because I told the doctor I felt he was being condescending to me and he insisted he was not. And the doctor kept trying to tell me I would not be receptive to help and my parents say the same. I just don’t see how that can be when I begged for help. If I didn’t want help I could have said nothing to my parents and stayed in my apartment living 3 hours away and just killed myself then, but I didn’t. I have an appointment with a counselor on Friday, but now I’m fearful she’ll be like doctor which I know isn’t fair. But I feel like that’s a lot of the reason people are afraid to get help is because they’re afraid they will be judged and treated differently. It was hard for me to admit vulnerability and now I feel like when I did it was just thrown in my face so I’m scared to speak with the counselor.
WOW. Was that even an actual licensed doctor?! Report him to the medical authorities immediately (I don’t know where you could do this, but try to find out). It’s quite likely he’s been abusing other patients as well. What you experienced was entirely unacceptable.
Next time go alone to see a doctor (you’re an adult, right?) and don’t ever visit that one again. Perhaps a female GP might also be more helpful for you. Also, giving you medication without first asking what your problems are and how to solve them, won’t help you. You need to talk to a counselor. Look up info for free counselors in your area, or ask a doctor to refer you…
I thought about making a complaint against him, but I feel if I did my dad would not back me up on it. I went to see him because he’s my dad’s doctor and my dad feels as if the doctor did nothing wrong. I don’t plan on going to see him ever again though.
I too asked for help and got a crap load of nothing, but it did tell me that nothing is ever going to change for the better.
Its only another persons opinion.
No one can tell us what is right. Its all perspective, and that is only controllable by you.
We are what we think and feel.
Welcome back,
Your dreams were your ticket out.
Welcome back,
To that same old place that you laughed about.
Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.
Who’d have thought they’d lead ya
Who’d have thought they’d lead ya
Back here where we need ya
Back here where we need ya
Yeah we tease him a lot cause we’ve got him on the spot, welcome back,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
Right on, Mr. Kotter! š
I hope it makes her smile. š
Sorry, don’t really get the reference. I know it’s from a tv show but I don’t watch a lot of tv plus it’s an older show so I’m not really familiar with it.
Don’t worry, no way you would remember it. I believe you’re 19? “Welcome Back, Kotter” was a cheesy sitcom from back in the 1970s, about a teacher in an inner city high school. (It quite possibly launched the career of John Travolta.)
What do you mean? Professional counseling or here? Cause this place exists to offer suicidal people free help when they need it and I’m confident most, if not all here, have good motives and intentions.
You were still searching for life, hope and a reason to go on, that’s why you came here. And it seems this place gave that to you here.
So you would rather be dead right now? I think that comes through quite clear. You regret that this place helped keep you alive?
What did you expect from a place for suicide help — that is supposed to encoirage life? I don’t know what else to say.
I mean asking my family and seeking out professional help. I mean this place is nice, but I don’t feel like it will genuinely help me get better, it’s just kind of brief comfort for me to be able to share. I didn’t mean here, sorry I was unclear. I meant basically outing myself about being depressed to those I know and speaking with a doctor. To be honest, I’d rather be dead than to have asked for help, because it went very badly as things in my life frequently do.
I’m sorry you didn’t find whatever help you received helpful… but if it was from this site, I agree with October _rain. This is a suicide prevention website, and all we want to do it help you not to just survive… but to live!!
I already said I wasn’t even talking about this website.
What happened when you did ask for help? I’m sure a lot of people on here can relate.
I begged my parents to take me too see a doctor to get on antidepressants and to get me in counseling. My dad finally agreed to take me to the doctor. I asked him specifically not to be in the room when I spoke to the doctor about it and he still went in with me. When the doctor walked in the very first thing he said to me was “Oh, you don’t even want to be here.” which upset me because 1. that’s so unprofessional 2. I had been begging for help. Then a few moments later they were reviewing my medical history and he asked me if I had a substance abuse problem and I replied no. Then he said “Are you sure you don’t do drugs, yes or no?” So I said “No, I don’t do drugs.” To which he responded “Are you sure?” And I said no, which was just rude. Then he told my dad to write him on a piece of paper all the things there were “wrong” with me. The doctor asked questions, but he didn’t ask them to me, he asked them to my father. They continued talking about me as if I wasn’t in the room. Then my dad told him about me cutting and told me to show the doctor my arm and I said no I didn’t feel comfortable doing that. So the doctor full on grabbed my arm and tried to yank my sleeve down so I pulled away. After that, he told my dad I couldn’t be trusted, that there was something severely wrong with me and he should watch me and see if I need to be put in a mental hospital. All without ever even speaking to me. Since then, my dad has treated me like shit because he looks down on mental illness. So the other day I had an issue with my car and I told him about it and he told me I was lying because I was crazy. I also got a prescription for Lexapro which he will not let me have because says I can’t be trusted to take it properly. He basically treats me like I’m an ex-con crossed with a child who can’t take care of themselves. Ever since telling my parents they will not speak to me as a person all they will talk about is me being depressed and how it will make me a bad person. I have hidden it since I was 11 and I wish that I had said nothing and just killed myself instead.
chelle… I’m a pacifist, but if I saw a doctor treat you this way I’d punch him. That is NOT OK. JFC, that is evil. Oh God I’m sick to my stomach.
Your Dad is being abusive and manipulative and passive aggressive. Well, no shit, you know that. Agh! I’m not being much help.
I’m so sorry you are having to deal with massive stupidity on top of everything else. I would lift you up if I could… you are so much better than them.
Don’t know if it would help much to punch him, but it would sure be tempting. How do people like that even get to be doctors?
I wish you could get to some kind of financial position where you could get out on your own. I can’t help but think this would have gone much better if you could have gone in alone to talk to the doctor AND if you had found a doctor that was worth a damn who would listen to you in a nonjudgmental way.
And you dad not letting you have the Lexapro – I don’t want to talk badly about your dad, but that’s just down right incredible. SeeSmith is right there.
I wish that I could move too, I have 2 job interviews tomorrow so hopefully that works out. I told my dad that I would never go back to that doctor again. My dad is upset with me though because I told the doctor I felt he was being condescending to me and he insisted he was not. And the doctor kept trying to tell me I would not be receptive to help and my parents say the same. I just don’t see how that can be when I begged for help. If I didn’t want help I could have said nothing to my parents and stayed in my apartment living 3 hours away and just killed myself then, but I didn’t. I have an appointment with a counselor on Friday, but now I’m fearful she’ll be like doctor which I know isn’t fair. But I feel like that’s a lot of the reason people are afraid to get help is because they’re afraid they will be judged and treated differently. It was hard for me to admit vulnerability and now I feel like when I did it was just thrown in my face so I’m scared to speak with the counselor.
WOW. Was that even an actual licensed doctor?! Report him to the medical authorities immediately (I don’t know where you could do this, but try to find out). It’s quite likely he’s been abusing other patients as well. What you experienced was entirely unacceptable.
Next time go alone to see a doctor (you’re an adult, right?) and don’t ever visit that one again. Perhaps a female GP might also be more helpful for you. Also, giving you medication without first asking what your problems are and how to solve them, won’t help you. You need to talk to a counselor. Look up info for free counselors in your area, or ask a doctor to refer you…
I thought about making a complaint against him, but I feel if I did my dad would not back me up on it. I went to see him because he’s my dad’s doctor and my dad feels as if the doctor did nothing wrong. I don’t plan on going to see him ever again though.