This woman moved in when i was 5. And I guess you could say that that was the beginning of everything. My dad always claimed that he never wanted her to move in and that she moved herself in, but he’s full of crap. She actually moved out about two months ago. And now its just me and my dad. I tried to tell him about all of the horrible shit she had done to me and even though he witnessed a lot of it he pushed it off and said that i was just blaming her because i didn’t like her. And the fact that i didn’t like her was because she emotionally abused me for 10 years and my own father never believed me. All i’ve ever wanted was for him to believe me and its been so long that if he did finally start to believe me that i wouldn’t believe him. This woman kept me isolated from my own family and friends for so long, that now I have no friends and all my family is dead. She had 10 years to convince my father that there was mentally something wrong with me and eventually even i started to believe her. She hates me and i have never known why. She has made me so emotionally unavailable that i can’t even speak to my own father. One day i had proof. I had proof that she was lying and deceiving him and when i showed him he pushed it off and basically told me that i was making stuff up, that even with proof that she downright lied to him about me he wasn’t going to stop seeing her. It’s been 3 days and i haven’t spoken a word to him or looked him in the eye. How am I supposed to live with someone who has let someone else tear me down for 10 years and then when they finally leave keeps letting them come back? I hate him. I hate her. The worst part is… even if she died the pain wouldn’t go away. He’d always still believe her over me.
If my math is correct, you’re about 15 now. Sometimes, even close family members make decisions that seem to reflect bad judgment. You will always have your family. Perhaps the best strategy is to let some time pass. A ten-year situation is not going to be undone overnight. Study hard in school and get ready for college, the working world, or whatever direction you’ll choose after graduation. At some point, perhaps your father and you will have a heart-to-heart conversation.
I’m sorry that this happened. Please don’t let it de-rail you from going forward.
Okay, So I have a very different perspective of family..especially parents. I think if someone is hurting you or is making your life more difficult than it needs to be, than remove them from your life, family or not, you don’t need that negativity in your life. I got emancipated at 15, and it was a long exhausting process, not one I want to deal with again, but at least I got out of a very bad place and I don’t feel guilty about it. lots of people were very upset at me for doing it, but they didn’t really know what was going on from the inside, and they had no right to be upset. it was my life. I wish there was some way I could help you, your situation sounds very upsetting. I too had a person move into my home for over a year,and the whole time constantly finding ways to hurt me and humiliate me and turn my mom against me, just simply ruining my life and making it all the more harder to get through! So I can kind of relate? I wish you luck and hope you can fine a way to move on from this and not let it get in your way. Your better than than this person, and they want to see you fail, so you just have to show them you wont, and nothing they can do will stop that. I believe you!
I personally hate my family.I know it sounds horrific and ungrateful.You are not supposed to love your daddy.You are not supposed to love someone who doesn’t love you.Anyone can be a parent.They just feel obligued to house you.Not to give you love.