how does one ask for help? how do i tell the people that love me that theyre killing me? all i want to do is scream for help but my mouth is sewed shut with embarrassment. other people have problems to, why burden them with mine? keeping it all in is whats been letting me survive but now i feel like im going to explode. saying that i want to die is an understatement.
Wanting to die is a reason to be heard. I hope you manage to tell someone. I’m not sure how to do that, except it can help to write things down – either writing them first to know what you want to say, or writing them for somebody to read.
Maybe posting here on SP can help you organize your thoughts and feelings before you explode and give you the words and courage to talk to the people that love you. There are also online suicide helplines such as IM ALIVE dot org where you can talk to a trained counselor online. I hope you feel better soon.
toxicllama ,
Good question, this is a problem we all have, to who can I tell my problems too? Who can I trust? Who will understand? And so on……….. Careful! Doing that! On the other hand that’s why were here!!!. We will listen unconditionally, give advice try to help and listen “ were also trying to help ourselves! Were a rare breed, we reach out to each other, this is great!!! The problem is when reaching out to the ones that love or for example fellow co workers, they don’t get it! They don’t understand! And are not professionals, not saying we are but! We are here because we are familiar with actually what your talking about. I say why tell somebody close “ I’m depressed and I want to die” for example, chances are they will run from you! Because they haven’t been there and so on, I think you know what I’m getting at, trust us were the best of the best!!!!
Well Toxic, I know you don’t know me but your welcome to “Burden” me with whatever you want anytime my email is and honestly you would not be a burden, we all need someone to listen.