I got Fallout 4. I have had it for 4 days now and haven’t played it. I haven’t watched a new movie in … wow I don’t even remember the last movie I watched. Must have been well over a year ago. I have no interest in anything anymore. I did some research and found that it is one of the many symptoms of depression that I definitely have. I will spend an entire weekend doing nothing and then hate myself on monday for wasting it. Anyone else suffering from a complete lack of interest in things you used to be passionate about?
Pretty likely many of the peeps here (including me) suffer from it. In my case i’ve never been to much into the fallout series, but i often get games and then they lay on the shelf unopened for weeks before getting into them (or i play them for a while and then just forget about them), movies… i sort of let them running in the background to have some noise and never watch them, so… yeah, that’s pretty normal, at least for me.
I’d say, if you have the chance you might want to look for a therapist to reach the source of that loss of interest in everything. Other than that you’re more than welcome to continue posting here, there’s a bunch of people that answer on a regular basis and might comment more than i can on the issue.
Kind of afraid to see a therapist. How would it affect my job if they did say I am depressed. What would my wife think?
Does your job have an EAP? (Employee Assistance Program) That is the place to start. You are given a measure of protection when you go to them first. As for your wife, I don’t have anything to offer in that department. Either she will understand or she won’t. Either way this is about your health and the health of your family.
And I wanted to yell….DUDE Fallout 4 and you haven’t played it yet? Yup you are definitely depressed. But I didn’t want you to think me glib.
Agree with HDS, this is about preventing something worse along the line, so if your wife loves you she’ll understand you’re going through a stressful period (trust me, it’s more normal than one would think, there’s more stressed people than ok people). If she’s ok with you putting time on such a time sinker as fallout 4 i don’t think she’ll have much trouble with a couple of therapy sessions.
Mf I would argue that playing fallout4 with your spouse is indeed a form of therapy.
Yeah but he doesn’t mention if his wife is into games, so i assumed she doesn’t. Rarely got any of my exes to play any videogames, and if they it was for short periods and sort of out of obligation… at least with me (at least one turned into a gamer with her new guy shortly after leaving me, after she criticized me for the exact same thing… lol). It’d be pretty cool to play a huge game like fallout 4 with someone tho, i rarely play games that long myself.
Right. You are right. I wonder salesman if you offered to play it with her? Would she? I mean sometimes when I get down getting someone I love to share something with me can help snap me out of it.
Down. Well that is a relative term isn’t it? I sound like a 50’s housewife.
? you aren’t 50? (…obviously just kidding). If you’re 50 i’m an egyptian mummy. There’s still people that use the “i’m down with ___” so it isn’t ancient. Old? yeah, a lot, but not ancient.
Since you’re referring to fallout as well you can blame it on that too (?)
LOL nope I’m not 50. I was referring to a 1950’s housewife.
Dismiss my last comment, that’s what i get for typing while i’m doing 3 other things at the same time, lol.
You know what Mf, I totally understand. I was like that yesterday. I seem to have mellowed out today. A crying jag this morning and a near miss jag at the gym seems to have drained me in a good way. Yesterday was positively painful. I haven’t been that bad in a very long time. I was positively frantic.
I blame it on friday 13th. It was actually a pretty weird week for many people i know, and a pretty bad one for me too (i think i don’t write posts cursing at people in cursive often, lol). Now that’s out of the way there’s only thanksgiving, christmas and new years eve to get through. Fun times.
I tend to crawl into a bottle from Thanksgiving to Chinese New Years, which is mid January this year I think.
That is one of the hallmarks of depression, no longer enjoying the things you once did.
Yes. It’s easier now I’m used to it, but it’s something I’d really like to have back in my life. I find it harder to fight now I have less energy. I used to force myself to do some things because I knew I’d feel worse if I didn’t. Now I’m mainly focusing on trying to make myself keep looking for cures for various health problems, including depression.
I also have those thoughts about time being wasted. It’s one of the few things that sometimes inspires me to push past the lack of interest and try to get things done, but it’s also a worry.
I can thoroughly relate to this. I attempted to get back into the routine of things I used to love but it hasnt work. I guess all I can suggest is that you try that? Who knows, maybe it will work for you? If you ever need to talk you can email me cro0kedyoung@outlook.com, it might be good for the both of us to have someone going through similar things to talk to?? idk its up to you man
I appreciate the offer but I had to set up an email to register for this and I don’t know if I would even know what I set up to get back to it. Wife has my passwords so I wouldn’t want to risk that.
I feel the same way. I’m not even good at anything . I want to take art classes like metal smithing and find something I love … But I’m way too tired all the time to even really get out of bed . I wish I had a day where I just felt content and full. Days aren’t really like that anymore .
I know that feeling. I have signed up for online classes that I was excited about but lost interest and never took them.
All my boyfriend does is play Fallout 4 now. At least he enjoys something. I usually watch Homeland and The Affair on Sunday, but I have no interest in watching TV. I’ve been in bed all day. I haven’t been interested in much lately so I get it. Sometimes it feels like it will stay this way, but usually my interests comes back eventually.