So, I’m meeting my new counselor today after the old one left. Heh, the current record is 2 out of 3 psychs left now. I wonder if this one will have any luck at getting me to stop lying.
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Two people I never lie to: my psychiatrist and my attorney. I still have the attorney.
fuck psychs;)
May I ask why you lie to the doctor?
Because there is no way I can make, “I have dreams of murdering my family,” sound positive… This is the cocktail of my life: take 1/2 ounce of Fantasy, 1/2 ounce of Reality, 1 ounce of Pleas to Die, shake vigorously and garnish with raw, fresh, grated cassava.
I hate to encourage your depression but you sound delicious in a dark way. I absolutely enjoy dark minds. Your humor is great. I hope the appointment went well. Guessing it’s left you feeling ambivalent though. Lying to the “help” really isolates you in dangerous ways. when the help can’t help then you’re just walking the plank. Who knows how long it is. I used to lie to my help too. (for different reasons) One day got sick of it, as you said, waste of time. So one day I just said, “you know I’m lying to you right?” Things got real honest after that. I can’t help but notice that your stated reason for lying is not being able to make the way you feel come across as positive. It’s a shrink, they are not there for positive. In fact they are there for the opposite of positive. Considering this is an environment designed to handle non positive thoughts, why do you feel the need to be positive ? What holds you back? Are you afraid the dr is going to take your thoughts of rage and lock you up, medicate you?
Oh, I know they’ll lock me up in the nut house. I know the medical term for the establishment but I just like the sound of “nut house” better. My viewpoint is twisted but it is rational in some respects. If my family member wasn’t slowly dying of sepsis, is it wrong to want to end their pain even if it’s by my own hand? To others, that is evil but to me, it’s not. I don’t consider myself “evil” but I don’t consider myself “good” either. As for being positive, I suppose you could say it’s because of what “polite society” demands. According to my psych, I just want to “watch” instead of “participate” and I wish I could.
Fucking hell that is such a psych cop out term. I’m so sorry you can’t just flat out be honest with him or her. That sucks.
compulsive liar eh? what are the nature of the said lies? can i trust your response? do you only tell the truth on the internet? you’re interesting.