My grandmother just calld me and was talking to me about getting a bunch of stuff for me. Im sure for a lot of people its easy to just say ok and take it, but there has to be other people here who feel differently. Not just because of pride but also because its like dealing with a double eged sword. If you dont take it your pretty much offending the person whos trying to help you, but if you do take it then your a pathetic charity case who just acts this way to get what they want out of people. I know im not the only person who has to deal with this, or feels this way. If i am that just makes the whole situation worse. Thanks
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Why does your grandmother want to give you all that stuff?
You’re not the only one, I have often felt like that. But here’s what I’ve decided to do from now on:
-I’ll remember that people ENJOY giving too. It makes them happy, if they give of their own free will.
-I’ll only accept gifts I actually want, otherwise I’ll either politely decline them, or get rid of them later. There is no point is someone else’s good intentions becoming your headache. They probably wouldn’t want that either.
-I won’t worry too much about these things, it’s just stuff, and I find the whole concept of “ownership” a little fuzzy tbh