Why are we alive? Why were we put here on Earth to live? People say the meaning of life is to be happy, but few people ever experience long-term happiness. So what’s the point? If some of us are depressed, then we don’t have a reason to live and be happy. There is no point in living an empty life void of happiness. That’s why some become suicidal, right? There’s nothing left to live for.
It seems to be an existential crisis kind of morning for the folks here at SP. I’ll have to agree I don’t have a lot of insight into this today.
Unless existing is the meaning of life. That I have a lot of insight into.
Most people are hedonists. Hedonism is the believe that the only objective to life is to do whatever makes you happy, and to pursue pleasure while reducing pain as much as you can.
I am not a hedonist. I don’t believe any of that. I think it’s nonsense. I believe that there is a meaning to life, and since I happen to be religious, that meaning is a religious one.
Though, I’m going to go out on a limb here and wager that you aren’t religious, since most people on SP aren’t (nothing wrong with that). So I guess the meaning I chose doesn’t help you much.
But there are lots of other options. The world is a big place.