I hate my life and wish i was dead , My wife is a piece of shit and i hate her and am only sticking witth her because we have a baby together. Im soooooooooo sorry i had a baby witth her . If i could go back in time and change things i would. I find myself sacrificeing my happiness for the baby because i want him to have a better life than mine . I feel like crying everytime i look at my son , i feel horrible bringing him in this world with the person i did. Everytime i look at my wife i get sick to my stomach but have to put on a smile and act like everything is all right. When she touches me i feel so dirty and when we kiss it feels like im forced to kiss back. I hate her sooooo much but i guess i have to stick it out for the baby. 🙁
Have to force myself to go to sleep with her so i have to take Alot of pills so i dont have to stay up all night and hear her snore and enjoy her sleep while looking at her thinking about how much i hate her. 🙁
What makes her so bad? Im sorry for being nosey.
tell you later tonight , have to start off my day with a lot of pills and act like I’m happy or else she’ll threaten to leave with the baby…
Out of curiosity… Why not let her leave? I’m in a somewhat similar situation, except my spouse refuses to leave. If she’s willing and able, you despise her, let her go. You could quite possibly be a better parent with the reduction in stress. It’s better for your son. Even if it isn’t explosive, kids pick up on the tension.
Sticking it out because of your child perhaps isn’t the best idea. While difficult (and in time) you should find a way to live apart from your spouse either temporarily or permanent. The longer you stay the more difficult it will be to put on the act and continue it; you will be exhausted. What can happen over time is (hopefully not) the formation of abuse and/or neglect to either your child or spouse.
You’ll have to gauge when the timing is right. Staying for your child is not a good idea. A discussion should be had with your spouse on how you feel. Your spouse is the parent to your child and to stay on good terms, the talk should be sooner than later. The better the the terms you stay the better the environment your child can be raised. Parenting is a partnership regardless of the parents staying together or not.
I know this may sound rude.. But why dont you guys get a divorce? You dont seem to make each other happy and that will affect the baby too..