I’m playing Stein’s Gate right now and it raises a lot of time travel questions. If you had a time machine, would you try to redo something in your life? Regardless of causality and everything else, of course. I would try to see what would happen if Trump never became a presidential candidate.
I’m honestly not sure if I would try to change anything in my life just because I have no idea what would actually make me happy. If I could, I suppose I would make it so that doctor’s did not realize my lack of growth quickly enough and that I had been stillborn, but that might defeat the point of this.
As far as trump…yea….I wouldn’t mind at all if someone wanted to do something to remove him from the list. Like I read somewhere, the only good thing about him possibly getting elected, is that I would get to see a presidential assassination in my life time (that I would gladly help with).
What about you? I know you were curious about us, but is there something that you would go back to change in your life?
I made a huge mistake back in 2010 that resulted in a large loss of money. I asked for help and got burned in a bad way. I think everybody wishes that they could go back in time and change an event in their life. I would definitely take Trump over Clinton in the election.