Hiya guys I’ve just made this account and lately I want to grab a hold of my weight I started gaining weight in like 6th grade and it stopped. Then I lost some because I had struggles with eating and I would go weeks and Months without eating nothing and if I did it was like a bite of something. Well this year I started eating again and adding weight to myself but I was never actually skinny. But now I am un comfortable with my body and my looks. And I pls on starving myself again or only maybe one thing a day idk what’s going to happen. But I need lose weight and starving myself to a comfortable weight is probably my path…
What do you consider a proper weight for you?
Like about 100-110lbs
Okay, and how will you eat if and when you reach that weight?
Healthier right now I’m doing a few diets and stuff and I know starving is unhealthy but it’s easier to if u do it right. Idk how to explain. But after I’m going to eat ? normal portions and calories I’ve looked allot of things up
Ahh, okay, I see 🙂
Yea c:
Actually eating once a day is gaining popularity as a method called “intermittent fasting”. Basically the idea that especially when we are overweight, we don’t need to start eating food the moment we wake up, lunch a few hours later, snacks in between, dinner, snack watching TV at night, etc. It can actually be very good for you. Not eating at all is possible with drinking water and at least taking vitamins and minerals. There is a case where a man fasted for 382 days and came out of it fine.
I’m pretty much doing the intermittent thing right now. I don’t eat until evening. Wake up, drink coffee, go for a long walk. I feel better not being weighed down with breakfast and lunch all day.
Consider that the food industry is behind all the recommendations that we need to be eating so many times a day. It’s all about money. Just listen to your body, if you go too extreme with it your metabolism can actually slow down because it realize no food is being taken in for energy. That’s why I like the intermittent idea more than going long stretches with zero food.
You can look for books and videos by Dr. Jason Fung. He talks about how good fasting is for us.
Ok thank you imma look more into this stuff. That was pretty helpful c:
As long as you are healthy fasting can be liberating in a way. I used to fast a lot, and I really enjoyed the control I had over my body by fasting.
I can’t do that any longer because I am diabetic, so welp, small meals all day long are what is the plan for now until either the rapture sucks me up into the sky or I collapse in a sad pile of old bones.
Disclaimer: I really don’t think anyone is sucking me into the sky, which is a shame, I’d like to get sucked up into the sky and eat cake for all eternity.
I no that feeling I’m having the same problem I’m gaining I thought of staving myself or getting by on the bare minimum but the older I get the harder it seems to be 🙁
I don’t believe that starving yourself is a good idea. It doesn’t take a person only a few days to gain a lot of weight, right? In other words, it doesn’t happen overnight; the same is true if you want to reverse it. Eat healthy, drink enough water, exercise, avoid stress (which, I think leads to emotional eating), and sleep well. Those are the things that I have found that worked for me.
Thank you all who gave me really good ideas on this and helping me more and being healthy at the same time ? ~Stay strong ~ Love the Mad Hatter