stay with me by sam smith_ i personally had a few one night stands and it all end up hurting myself.
don’t leave me by Zach Perkins_these three words what i say repeatedly and i always go against them.
hello by adele_ what will it be like to say hello after all these time.
Dont want an ending by Sam Tsui_i never wanted to end my relationship but i cheated and he gave me a chance yet i dont want him to be remember all those scars i left with him if we continue dating.
hey there my lovely friend. I miss you lots. Sending lots of love and hugs your way. Hopefully we can email soon.
That is the good thing about music, it can always express the things we are feeling. Make us feel a connection to other people through that shared emotional understanding. We have all lost people we loved. People we wish were still with us, or that we hope to reconnect with someday. Nice songs.