Hi SP members,
“Happy birthday.”
I have heard this from a lot of people so far today. I am a 16 boy who suffers from depression. So 16, big deal, who cares. Everything is still the same:
- studying
- testing
- learning
- being with family by force
- doing self harm
So what is the big deal about birthdays? I is always like this and it doesn’t matter.
I won’t wish you a happy birthday, since it’s all you have heard and all it does is drive you mad.
I haven’t celebrated a birthday since I was a child and I am now in my 30’s. I can’t even remember what it was like to have cake on my birthday…I don’t even like cake…but you can see my point here.
I hope, that you can find at least something on this day that makes you smile. You owe yourself that much. 🙂 It’s not every day you turn a year older…it’s only everyday that you turn a day older. Even if in the end, it doesn’t mean that much.
Today’s society made it look like a special day , a special day in which you were born and stuff like that , but let’s face it , there are a lot of people born on the same day / month / year … fuck it , even in the same second .. So in the end it is the day you were born , depends on how you choose to look at it . I recommend you do something that makes you happy and smile , and fuck , i know it is hard to do that .